Wednesday, March 26, 2008

What is Success?

The Secret is kind of like one of those Zen parables that seem remarkably simple on first glance, but reveal layers and layers (and layers and layers) of enhanced meaning the more deeply you allow yourself to explore. I wouldn’t call this “deceptive simplicity” – rather, I’d call it ‘mysterious simplicity” – because the minute you think you’ve figured something out, there’s a whole new level of meaning to play with.

Take, for instance, the whole idea of success. Now, many people gravitating towards The Secret – either consciously or unconsciously – may feel pulled by the idea of “success.” That is, they want success in some part of their life. They want to experience success. They want to celebrate success. That makes sense. Who doesn’t want success?

But…the very idea of this – wanting success – compels us, whether we want to be compelled or not, to address an even more fundamental question: what is success?

Really. Ask yourself. What is it?

Is it a bank balance? Is it “stuff” that you have – cars, homes, other toys? Is it measured on terms of approval, the way that people vote for a politician (ack!). Or is it measured some other way? Is it measured in terms of peace, of awareness, of love?

I can’t answer this question – and I’m not even going to try. It’s not a question for me to answer for you – only YOU can answer it; and that means, you have to sit back, reflect, and really understand what success “is” to you. Otherwise, even if you GET what you think you want – what you think will make you successful – you won’t actually feel like a success. Somewhere deep inside you’ll feel…empty and confused; because that idea of success hasn’t been satisfied.

Spend some time reflecting on this idea, and developing your personal definition of success. Here’s a big, maybe even life-changing hint to get you going in the right direction: pretend that you were the ONLY person on earth. Really. What would success mean to you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

success to me is good health ,because without it I don't function very well,smile as often as you can,for no reason,it makes you and those around you feel good!