Thursday, July 31, 2008

At Last! Law of Attraction and Goal Setting FOR KIDS!

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You are UTTERLY Unique

In life, we sometimes wish we were special; something different; something extraordinary.
However, this desire to be something else undermines a very basic fact of life: you are utterly unique.

There has never been anything like you in this existence; never. Yes, you may have the same colour of hair as your parents, or you may look a bit like someone else, and you may have the same favourite song as millions of other people, and so on.

But that is on the surface of your being. There has NEVER, EVER been anything like you in this existence. You may not be world famous; but who cares? You cannot be more special than you are. It's not possible.

So stop trying to be so different, so special, so different. You can't be. You're already as different as you can possibly be!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Freedom and Responsibility

We all crave freedom in one form or another. It may be financial freedom, or social freedom, or political freedom, or simply the freedom to enjoy our lives. All of these kinds of freedoms are, of course, valid and worthwhile.

However, there is an aspect to freedom that many people don't understand until, surprisingly, they have the very freedom that they've craved in their hands. It's this:

The other side of freedom is responsibility.

This is very...hard to accept on a "logical" basis, because we tend to believe that by "achieving freedom," we'll be able to avoid responsibility.

However, responsibility is intrinsic to freedom. To be FREE means to be RESPONSIBLE.

Yes, it may not mean responsibility to specific things; for example, if you currently work in a challenging, unrewarding, uninspiring job and you suddenly find yourself in a financial position so you don't have to do that job anymore, you're right: you won't have the "responsibility" of that particular job.

But in a larger sense, you will have a greater responsibility; that of managing and ethically spending your money (by ethical, I mean simply spending it in accordance with the laws that you have come to understand are at work in the world, including but not limited to, The Law of Attraction).

So when you crave freedom in your life, prepare yourself for responsibility.

To whom more is given, more is expected.

Thursday, July 24, 2008


Freedom is the deepest human aspiration; hence, most of history's greatest struggles have fundamentally been about freedom -- be it political, social, economic or any other way.

However, all of these attempts for freedom, while (sometimes) accomplishing some of their intended goals, are really expressions of the deepest singular craving within the human soul: freedom.

Yet the world is a dual place -- a meeting of opposites. Night and day, yes and no, black and white. The Yin-Yang symbol is very instructive here; it informs us that our world is dual -- and with dual, come limitations.

Meditation, however, is the real path towards freedom -- because it is beyond opposites, beyond the Yin and the Yang.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Life is an Opportunity

It's been said that while everyone is born, not everyone lives. What does this mean?

It means that life itself is not a thing, but simply an opportunity; an invitation. An invitation to explore the mysteries of WHO YOU ARE. Note that I didn't say SOLVE the mystery; it cannot be solved. Life is a vast, incomprehensible mystery and that is its beauty; that is its marvel.

If you really want to LIVE your life, don't think that you need to go on all kinds of adventures and climb mountains and so on. The real mystery is not out there in the world; it's in you.

Meditation is the route to exploring your inner mystery.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Love Yourself

Many of us are in search of love; we crave it. And this is because, no matter who we are or what we do, being loved is the most basic human need. It doesn't matter if you want a million dollars, to be world famous, or run faster in the Olympics. The bottom line is that you want to be loved, whether you realize it or not!

Unfortunately, trying to "be loved" is like trying to lift yourself up with your own arms. You can't do it. Nor can you "command" someone else to love you. Yes, you can (if you really want -- hopefully you don't!) try and manipulate someone into loving you, perhaps giving them things or making them vulnerable or dependant on you and sort of being "forced" to love you, but that's not love at all. That's just politics.

Real love cannot be willed; it can only be shared. And it can only be shared when it overflows from you.

A truly loving person is not someone who is out there trying to "be loved" or "give love." A TRULY loving person is so overflowing with self-love (and by this we don't mean egotistical love, but ego-less love) that they cannot help but share their love. Like a cup that is overflowing with water and hence shares that water -- it has no choice -- a person overflowing with love has to share that love.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Lessons from Children

Have you ever watched children -- around the age of 2 or 3 -- come together in a park, or play area, or wherever children happen to be?

Have you noticed that they simply don't play any ridiculous, stupid "politics" with each other? That they don't try to evaluate each other based on social ranking or financial this or career that, or who looks better or (gasp) who weighs more than someone else.

Instead, if you've simply watched children, you've noticed how amazingly inclusive they are; how accepting they are. Yes, they may even cry or not like something -- perhaps another child has taken their toy -- but even that crying is so authentic; it is so honest. There is no attempt to mask it or suppress it. An upset child cries; a happy child laughs.

As adults, we learn how to be false. And we spend so much time doing this, that we eventually start to believe our own deception. Hence, this is why relationships among adults are so needlessly strained and politicized; how they are overloaded with drama and deception (if not now, wait a few months...).

We've forgotten how to be open. And we're afraid that if we open, we'll be attacked, deceived, hurt, or whatever.

If you want to learn how to live, watch a bunch of little children. That's the essence of who we are, before we "grew up" and became shadows of our real selves.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Life is Circular

The most enduring shape in creation is the circle. And as such, if we pay attention, we'll notice certain patterns (which are circular, and hence, patterns of repetition) that emerge in our life. Mostly, we'll notice difficult of negative patterns -- or circles.

Our task is to really SEE the depth of these patterns. Not in a superficial way -- not in a way that ascribes blame to someone. In a deep, meditative way -- in a way that cuts to the heart of the circle itself; to the "hub" of the wheel that is really the energy source of the entire pattern.

What are the patterns in your life? What is repeating over and over and over again -- perhaps taking different shapes, but nevertheless constant?

What can you do to change the pattern?

Monday, July 7, 2008

Sitting Quietly, Doing Nothing

Zen wisdom suggests that, to really come into contact with who we are and what we really need (rather than what we superficially want), we should simply "sit quietly and do nothing."

This is, indeed, easier said than done!

In fact, the very concept of sitting quietly, doing nothing, flies almost, it may seem, violently in the face of our entire culture, which is somewhat obsessed with doing anything and everything possible to avoid sitting quietly, doing nothing. In fact, many people only sit quietly and do nothing when something has gone wrong -- and they have no other choice (because because they've fallen ill or something).

The thing to grasp -- and you can't understand it, but just grasp it -- is that sitting quietly doing nothing is NOT just the "absence" of activity. It's not a negative state that is defined by what isn't happening. Rather, sitting quietly doing nothing is a remarkably rich, overflowing creative experience. It is the creation of consciousness -- which is the peak of creation itself.

Friday, July 4, 2008

What Nourishes You?

We're accustomed to search for "what makes us happy" -- and that is really the driving force behind most of the world's "consumer culture" -- the promise of finding happiness. Whether it's in a kind of car, a kind of job, or even a kind of person, the underlying promise behind it all -- whether that promise is coming from us, or coming from someone or something else -- is that it will make us happy.

This in itself is perfectly fine. I mean, why not? Isn't happiness worth experiencing?

Yes! Of course it is! However...

The challenge arises when we focus on the fact that happiness is not the most...well, scientific of terms. It's not like, say, "gold" or "oil" or something that can be measured against a static definition; and if something "meets" that definition, it's declared gold, oil, or something else. Happiness is a very abstract, elusive, nebulous term.

And because of this abstract, elusive, nebulous-ness of happiness, trying to "find it" in our life is a lot harder than it seems. Hence, we spend so much effort trying to be happy -- doing all kinds of things, making all kinds of decisions and so forth -- but rarely do we ever truly experience happiness.

The knack is -- and it's really a knack and not a strategy or anything complicated like that -- is to pay attention to what TRULY nourishes your inner being. This is much deeper than happiness; this is not about some sense-pleasure that may last a few moments but then fade away. This is not junk food for your soul. This is what really FEEDS your being -- not your ego, but you very being.

There are many dramatic movies that are all about this -- the protagonist is seeking happiness in one or many ways, perhaps manipulating or harming or doing "whatever it takes" to find that happiness, but somehow, they never experience it; until they stumble, accidentally and shockingly, upon what really nourishes them -- what really gives them the integrity that they were searching for.

In your life, pay closer attention to what really nourishes you -- not to what simply "makes you happy." Start to notice the experiences, events and perspectives that really give you a sense of grounded wholeness.

You may be VERY surprised to learn what these are -- shocked, even!

The Richness of Silence

Many people are actually afraid of silence; they consider it to be quite threatening. That’s why many relationships really have a zero-tolerance for silence; if there are even a few moments of silence emerging, anxiety and tension and fear are not far behind. Hence, there is an ongoing attempt to ensure that there is some level of noise happening at all times; be it from other people, from television, music…it doesn’t matter.

This has nothing to do with the noise itself; it’s not done out of an appreciation for noise. It’s done simply to avoid silence – to keep silence from “showing up” in life.

So what’s so scary about silence? It’s that, in the deepest core of our being, we grasp that essence that silence isn’t empty. It’s not simply the absence of something; the way that darkness is the absence of light. Silence is overflowing with content; in fact, it is the most content-filled thing in this world. Silence is the channel through which the celestial greets the terrestrial; because deep inside, we are a part of that silence and always will be.

The next time you “face silence,” don’t run away – either physically or mentally. Simply open yourself up to it. Let it embrace you, gently, and nourish the part of your soul that cannot be fed by any other means.

Life is an Invitation

Many people, perhaps most people, have an underlying, deep-rooted idea of what life is “supposed” to be. And as such, they continuously measure their personal life experiences and events against this “supposed” idea of life.

Of course, as we all deeply know, life is really beyond the intellectual grasp of any of us – no matter how smart we may think we are. As such, our model of how life is “supposed” to be is, really, doomed to be flawed. We are raindrops trying to understand the ocean.

Instead of imposing your idea of life onto reality – instead of trying to measure reality against your projection of how life should or should not be – try accepting it as an invitation; a possibility. Not to “fit” with your patterns of life, but something that allows you to experience more of your being.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Gift of Confusion

The relentless drive towards a scientific understanding of everything from psychology to even, believe it or not, love itself, has led to an underlying belief that certainty is good and confusion is bad. Hence, many people consider confusion to be an affliction; a symptom of something bad, wrong, or unwanted.

However, if you take even a simple glimpse of history, you'll notice that an overwhelming volume of discoveries -- really important and monumentally helpful ones -- grew out of confusion. How can this be!?

Here's why: confusion creates inner space within you; a space between what you thought you knew, and what is really happening. You believed something -- or you expected something -- and something else is happening. As such, there is a separation between your belief and reality. And in that separation is space (after all, space is intrinsic and necessary for separation, right?).

Now, in our culture, we've been conditioned to resist and reject this space -- to fight against it as if it were an enemy. And as such, whenever confusion emerges, we tend to do anything and everything to STOP it as soon as possible.

Yet this is often a huge mistake, because that confusion is really nothing but NEW SPACE within you -- and that is an avenue (or a "portal" if you read lots of Eckhart Tolle stuff) into a intelligence that really runs this inexplicable, mysterious universe.

The next time you are "faced" with confusion, don't run away from it -- don't lunge towards what you think is a safe, reliable answer. Don't destroy your confusion. Instead, accept it. Co-exist with it. Allow that confusion -- that space -- to live, just as you live. It's as if a friend has stopped by your home and wants to come in. Let it. You don't have to really do anything, in fact. Simply allow the confusion to exist; like you allow a friend to exist in your home.

Stay with the confusion, without reacting to it in either a positive or negative way, and soon you'll see something very interesting emerge: your confusion will transform into awareness, and through that awareness a new insight will emerge within you.

This is how intuition works. The most intuitive among as are indeed the most confused, and they would not have it any other way.