Sunday, December 9, 2007

The Secret Sequel – Will it Compare?

UPDATE: For the latest update on The Official Secret Sequel ‘The Secret Daily Teachings go to or the most recent blog post Newsflash: Official Secret Sequel ‘The Secret Daily Teachings’ release due December.

What’s Missing in The Secret?

The ‘secret’ law of attraction was introduced to many people for the first time in the phenomenal hit movie "The Secret". However, The Secret DVD does not go far enough to explain how the Law of Attraction really works. Let’s hope the upcoming sequel to The Secret continues with what’s missing in the original movie.

When the Secret DVD first came out, and when people heard about it on Oprah, there was a mad rush around the world to get a copy of it and to find out for themselves. I loved it. My eyes were opened. I still count it as one of my favorite movies.

Lots of people got really excited about it.

“At last”, they cried, “NOW I understand. All I have to do is focus my thoughts on what I want, and change the language in my head. I can manifest ANYTHING I think about. As long as I think about it hard enough and long enough”.

“I want to get results – and fast. I don’t want to wait for months or years for my dreams. I am going to practice LOTS of visualizing and positive self talk. I’ll get my Dream Life – NOW”

They eagerly watched The Secret over and over in anticipation that this would bring them their goals. They thought about their Dream all day long. They made Vision Boards and Lists of Goals. They kept a Gratitude Journal.

Now these are all extremely useful tools. Use them.

But does only this really work? Can you manifest just like this? Really?

This is where The Secret falls short. When you watch it you get the expectation that you can manifest your dream out of nowhere. That belief and faith will automatically bring you what you want. Well – yes and – no!

You MUST take action.

Mike Dooley says:Thoughts Become Things”

A friend of mine Gideon Shalwick’s has a great quote that he uses: “Thoughts are only potential things. They become things only through specifically directed action.”

The Secret DVD only briefly mentions taking action. But it needs to be really spelt out.

Focus on your goal. Visualize it with feeling and excitement. Repeat it in your head or out loud. But here is the important missing bit ….. every time you get a little idea just popping into your head about ways to get closer to what you want, you MUST act upon it. (Bob Doyle says: “You might get some inspired idea of some action to take”.) That little idea is The Universe responding to you reaching out saying – “This is what I want”.

Thinking constantly about what you want IS important; you must focus on what you want. (John Assaraf says: “You become what you think about most but you also attract what you think about most”).

But unless you DO something you are just a dreamer. You are just building castles in the air.

The Science of Getting Rich” was the little book which inspired The Secret DVD. In this book, Wallace D Wattles wrote:

“… man must not only think, but his personal action must supplement his thought. By thought you can cause the gold in the hearts of the mountains to be impelled toward you; but it will not mine itself, refine itself, coin itself into double eagles, and come rolling along the roads seeking its way into your pocket.

Your pocketbook is not going to be transformed into Fortune's purse, which shall be always full of money without effort on your part.

This is the crucial point in The Science of Getting Rich; right here, where thought and personal action must be combined. There are very many people who, consciously or unconsciously, set the creative forces in action by the strength and persistence of their desires, but who remain poor because they do not provide for the reception of the thing they want when it comes.


And you must act NOW. Do not wait until you are in the perfect situation, the perfect job, the perfect relationship. NOW is the only time you have.

I love this saying that Sherry in the Organic Fruit and Veggie Shop told me the other day:


The Past is History

The Future is a Mystery

The Present is your Gift – do it NOW

Put your whole mind and strength and act to the very best of your ability in the situation in which you presently find yourself. Do your absolute best in your current job today to provide service for your customers, your employer and your work colleagues. Be the best you can in all your relationships with every person you meet. Look after your health today as if your body was a sacred temple (it is).

Make every day a successful one. A successful day is one when you have done your very best, when you have been as efficient as possible. You know if you have dallied around and wasted time and energy - having days like that actually take energy from you, disconnect you from The Universe. They don’t feel good – YOU don’t feel good.

Make very day a winner.

Now this doesn’t mean that you should work yourself to the bone, working late with long hours and running around after the whims of other people. That is not successful.

If your days are ALL successful, you are moving in the right direction. Keep holding a clear image in your head of what you want, while being deeply grateful and The Universe will respond to you and bring you closer and closer to your dreams.

So - Does The Secret Really Work?

Well – yes and – no! It has made us aware that we can consciously use our brains to focus our thinking and putting our intention towards where we want to go. And as you change on the inside, you expose yourself to larger possibilities – BUT, when those possibilities come along, then this is the time to ACT.

Have a fabulously successful day.

UPDATE: For the latest update on The Official Secret Sequel ‘The Secret Daily Teachings go to or the most recent blog post Newsflash: Official Secret Sequel ‘The Secret Daily Teachings’ release due December.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Vision Poster & Guidebook (Yours to keep)

“I have a dream”…”Well, pin it up on the wall then!”

Turn My Dream into Reality Vision Poster & Guidebook.

Free for you to download and use.

You may have read one of my previous posts about setting goals.

Here is a terrific ‘goal focus’ tool that I have used effectively, which has helped me to stay centered and focused on what I really want to achieve.

The Law of Attraction states that what you focus on, you will get, but you must have a very clear picture in your mind of what exactly you want.

Having a beautiful poster on the wall in front of you every day with your goal and how to achieve it is a great way to help you focus on your goals.

I have done 3 vision posters, one each for my 3 biggest goals which I have pinned to my bedroom wall. I look at them every morning when I wake up, and every night just before going to bed.

The Vision Poster has been designed by my partner Anneli, who is also the webmaster/graphic designer for our website

It is a high-resolution poster that you can print out in any size up to A2, and pin up in a prominent place in your bedroom, office, on the back of the toilet door – anywhere really.

The Poster also comes with a guidebook to help you with setting up your own vision poster.

It is free to use and send to your friends.

Click here for Vision Poster

Click here for Vision Guidebook

I will be posting a number of other free tools over the coming months so please stay tuned.

Each self help tool that I post will of course will not be enough by itself to change your entire future, but it will be one more piece in an overall system of powerful tools and strategies that will help you improve your life and work towards your dreams.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Meditation Explained

For those who have never tried it, they may think it is some sort of new age mumbo jumbo, or consider it to be prayer or worship, but this is far from the truth.
Meditation is now proven to be more than just a ‘warm and fuzzy’ feeling, it actually works.

In fact, most of us meditate regularly during our lives, but don’t even know that we are doing it.

Why Meditate?

Scientists and doctors study meditation and recommend it. Meditation is now proven to be more than just a ‘warm and fuzzy’ feeling. It works. So there are many reasons why people begin to meditate. Some learn meditation to become more relaxed, for improvement in health, to reduce stress, for clearer thinking, to become more creative, to sleep better and to improve mental strength. There are physical, emotional and spiritual Benefits of Meditation. It’s safe, it’s simple and it’s free.

People who are not familiar with meditation may consider it to be prayer or worship, but this is far from the truth. Meditation can be described as concentrated awareness – so as you overcome distractions and focus your mind on something you are becoming aware; you are meditating when you maintain a continued state of awareness. There are a wide range of disciplines taught for bringing your attention on to some object or thought or awareness. In fact what happens in the process is that meditation moves your brainwaves into an alpha state. This is a relaxed state with a level of consciousness where you are still aware. In the alpha state learning and healing are promoted.


In the alpha state your brainwaves run between 8 – 12 cycles per second or hertz, compared with your normal waking state beta – of 13 – 25 hertz. Deeper states of relaxation move through theta, delta to the deepest delta, which is a highly creative state of relaxation.

In fact you are meditating when you focus on birds singing – to the exclusion of all other thoughts, or staring into the fire, just focusing on that, or concentrating on your breath coming in and out, thinking of nothing else.

Traditionally Eastern cultures have practised meditation for centuries as part of their spiritual teachings, and until recently, say the last 30 or 40 years , Westerners viewed meditation with a bit of suspicion. Now, the benefits are so well documented and experienced by so many that it has become common practice for many doctors and health practitioners to recommend meditation as part of their healing plan.

There are two basic techniques of meditating and the different practices fall in to either of these two categories, with some variations possible. In mindfulness meditation the meditator sits in a comfortable position and focuses his attention and awareness on an object or activity – such as a candle, breathing, a visualisation or a mantra, keeping an open focus and awareness of the present moment as he does so. This method allows for free flowing and observing of his thoughts while using the focus as an ‘anchor’ he constantly brings his mind back to the focus, when he starts to wander off in to different thoughts.

With concentration meditation which is used by most spiritual and religious traditions, the meditator keeps his attention on a particular object like repetition of a prayer or a mantra to minimize distractions, and continually brings his mind back to the chosen object. Lawrence LeShan defined meditation in ‘How to Meditate’ as “doing one thing at a time with your whole being”.

In some traditions both mindful and concentration meditation are combined.

It is possible to practice meditation even while walking or doing simple repetitive tasks. It is in moments when your mind is clear that you get that ‘realisation’, ‘inspiration’ or ‘BFO’ (blinding flash of the obvious). “AHA” you say, as something miraculously pops in to your head.

Learn How to Meditate

You can attend sessions somewhere in your city, usually free, to learn how to meditate. There are many books and tapes to help you, most of them excellent aids. It is easy and simple to learn. There are many tools to help you move into a meditative state. The one I absolutely love is the Holosync audio tapes from Centrepointe (I don’t lightly recommend products, but this advanced Neuro technology is light years ahead of anything else I have tried and read about. I use it daily).

When you practice meditation regularly you begin to liberate the energy in your mind and the quality of your consciousness will expand. You will become more relaxed and happy, experiencing a sense of control of your life. You tend to approach life in a much more peaceful manner, not stressing in ways you might have done previously. This is not just a generalised statement, but is now being proven by empirical research.

I maintain wholeheartedly that meditation is truly beneficial. Do try it.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

How to beat Procrastination

"Anyone can do any amount of work, provided it isn't the work he is supposed to be doing at that moment. "

~Robert Benchley

Does this sound like you?

Here is an article written by my mother Winsome (who also writes for our Secret Website) who has, in the past been a famous procrastinator in my circle of family and friends. They are very simple suggestions about how to deal with procrastination, but are very effective.

Sit down at the start of the day and set your priorities...........Read on.

Procrastination 101 - Don’t do it Now – Put it on Your List

Do you have a “To Do” list?

Do you constantly have trouble completing your “To Do” list?

Here are some of the BEST hints I’ve ever heard about how to tackle something that seems to be innate in most humans – Procrastination!

If you are really well organised, get things done in a timely manner, and do NOT have a huge undoable list called:
then don’t waste your time reading this

Procrastination………I am really well qualified to write on this topic, because I have been known to not only have a list of things to do, but in that same list I have even written – ‘read this list’.

I mean to say …….

I am happy to report that I am getting over this ‘List Addiction’
If this strikes a cord with you, then I have discovered the best hint ever. I am not kidding; this has really helped me….

Procrastinate no longer.

We are nearly all aware these days of the importance of goal setting.
You may have read about the recent Harvard study of a class of young men, a generation ago now. Some of whom wrote very clear goals, and some of them didn’t. I don’t think I need to spell out the outcome 40 years later….

So you probably have goals, I hope you do; and have even written them down. We know that goal setting and being very focused about our dream is crucial.
But while you are busy, busy with a list of ‘Things To Do’, a list often of trivial things, you are not really focusing at all.

So what is the BEST hint for Procrastinators?
This is it. From today’s list of things to do – PRIORITISE, look at those tasks and put them in order of importance.
Start with Number 1 and do it until it is done. Then and only then can you allow yourself to move on to Number 2.

Prioritise – what does that really mean?
It means put at the top of the list the MOST IMPORTANT things that will lead you towards your goal.
And all those silly little tasks you put on your list that are easy to do, and that don’t move you directly towards our goal – down to the bottom of the list they go.
It means things like – don’t go checking your emails every 5 minutes to see if something new has arrived, no nipping out for a coffee every so often, instead of doing another task.

It also means doing the important things and NOT the ‘urgent things’. It means not jumping to fill in a survey that was sent to you, or fixing up something for the person who shouts the loudest. It means not putting off something that seems a bit uncomfortable – just get on with it.

Once you start, then you will see what the next step will be.

Bonus Hint Number 2

"To think too long about doing a thing often becomes its undoing." ~Eva Young

If there is a 2 minute job (or less) that pops up – do it NOW.
That’s it, that’s all. Don’t put it on the list to look at over and over again. Just get it out of the way now – and out of your head so that it doesn’t take up valuable space.

Now you will have some time to really work on getting clear about your goals.

"Procrastination is something best put off until tomorrow." ~Gerald Vaughan

This quote is a little rude so I have put it at the bottom of this blog. It made me laugh though:

"Procrastination is like masturbation. At first it feels good, but in the end you're only screwing yourself." ~Author Unknown

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Hit the ground running

Well, I'm back from 2 weeks of surfing, relaxing and spending time with my family. It has taken a little longer to get back into my blog than I first envisaged. To go from spending life at a snails pace, to touching down at my local airport and hitting the ground running, is a hard thing to adjust to.

I have now caught up and am back into it, refreshed and invigorated with a new goal and vision in my head to do a lot more 'snails pace' living in the future.
To make my goal a concrete goal, I have made a specific promise to myself that next year I will have no less than 2 months of this on June 1st 2008. Perhaps someone else can write for me during that time.

I will let you know how it goes.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Back in 2 weeks

Hi all,

I am off to Fiji to pursue my own form of meditation - surfing (and relaxing) with my partner and daughter.
There will be no blog posts until 12th November.

Until then, stay happy and positive.


Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Visualising – How to keep your goals in focus.

Almost everyone will agree that to achieve something big, you need to set a goal.

You need to have a vision of what you want in your mind so that you can work towards it. You need to make your goal detailed, and you need to hold that vision persistently in your head.

But what if we don’t even know what our goals are, let alone describe them in detail?

And once you have set a goal, how do you hold that vision in your mind every day with so many day to day distractions around you?

Well, here is the method that I use every day to achieve my goals and hold that vision.
Every day, I write down 3 gratitude points, and write about “My Perfect Life”.

Here is an excerpt from May earlier this year.

My Perfect Life.



  1. I have had a really good day, attitude wise. I have felt really good all day and I feel like I have a really positive attitude. I am really happy about this, it is so much better to have a good, positive attitude than a negative one. It’s such a better state of mind to be in.
  2. I love a winter’s day. Today has been showers on and off with a biting coldness to the air. The change of seasons makes me feel alive.
  3. I completed all of my tasks today on my list. What a great thing to happen. This will certainly be happening a lot more from now on. In fact, all the time.

Lifestyle, The Freedom I have, The time I have


This is what I have dreamt about for a long time but always thought not possible in the past.

Time for me has been one of the biggest issues in my life, especially in the last 5 years. In the past I never seem to have had enough time. Tasks were not being done, I felt like I was going nowhere.

What a turnaround. At last I only have to work (realistically) 2 days a week at the most, and they usually finish well before 5pm and often don’t start until well after 9pm. In fact, I don’t really have to work at all for money if I didn’t really want to, and that is probably what I will do in the near future. Maybe just a bit of share trading or looking for another investment property.

But this wonderful new amount of extra time that has been freed up because of the freedom of not having to work has given me so much freedom to be able to start doing the things that I really wanted to do. Being involved in the local tree planting group, spending a lot of the time in the veggie garden. You should see the veggies!! Virtually all of the fresh produce that we eat, including fruit, veggies, nuts, coffee, honey, eggs, meat, even the flowers that we put in a vase on the table, comes from our property. Only occasionally do we swap produce with other neighbours or the guy from the local organic shop for stuff that is out of season, or can’t be grown in our area such as mangoes. All of this wonderful extra time that has been freed up from working in the past has given me the time to develop this amazing, rich, bountiful, vibrant garden.

Sounds good doesn’t it? This is exactly the picture that I have held in my mind since May and it has been a very easy vision to maintain.

But before I discovered this method of holding my vision, I was struggling.

When I first learnt about visualising to achieve goals, I would set myself down in a quiet spot every morning, my biggest goals written down neatly in front of me and go through them one by one in my head, seeing myself already in possession of these goals.
This worked for quite a while, but soon it started to dwindle. After a while my mind would begin to wander during these peaceful morning sessions, and I started to have trouble concentrating and focusing on the task – to visualise my goals.
And the truth that I was losing concentration made it even harder because I was also losing my passion and enthusiasm for my goals.

I needed another way to stay on track.

And then my partner came up with a fantastic idea, and we created “My Perfect Life”.
It’s a bit like me being the author of my own book of life – My…Perfect Life.
It has helped me to stay so focused and excited about my goals and for me it is a really wonderful way to help me visualise.

It can also be of great help for those who aren’t’ really sure what their goals should be in the first place.

Here’s how to create your “Perfect Life”.

Spend 15 minutes a day doing this – no more, but do it every day. The trick is to push yourself for at least 30 days, and then it will become a habit.
You can type your daily entries in a word doc but you could also use a nice exercise book.
I usually put on some good music to get me in the mood. (Music is one of my passions that really inspires me and gets me into a visualising mood).

The first thing to do is to get into an “attitude of gratitude”. Simply write down 3 things that you are grateful for on the day.
They could be as simple as “I just love my beautiful daughter, she is so cute”, or “Gee I’m glad my football team won this weekend, what a team!”, or even about the weather or the simple fact that you have a roof over your head.

The next task is to focus on the goals that you have set for yourself. If you don’t have any goals, just work out some broad topics.

My topics are:

  • Lifestyle, The Freedom I have, The time I have, Doing the things I love.
  • My partner, my family, The people in my life
  • My soul, my journey, my growth, my state of mind. I am happy.
  • The money I have
  • Holidays, The big adventure next year
  • My health, my body
  • My house, my garden, my surroundings, this is where I live.

It’s easiest to choose one topic per night, rather than tackling all of them at once, and just ‘go for it’.
Put yourself totally into the place that you are writing about, see yourself there, enjoying whatever you have in your mind. Describe the colours, the smells, your feelings, describe everything in detail. Make it in the present tense – be in that place, now. Be really descriptive.

Don’t hold back either, this is your “Dream Life”, you can write about whatever it is you desire, there should not be any limitations.

One of the reasons I think that this method of goal setting and visualising works so well is that the act of writing it down seems to make it much more concrete. It becomes a physical description of what you want, rather than just a fleeting thought through your mind. You can read back over it too which is a fun thing to do, and again, this brings you to the place that you really want to be when you read it again.

You’ll find that after a while you start to get into the real ‘nitty gritty’. Once you’ve been doing this for a month or so you will have gone through all the topics several times so you start to describe things in real details.

It really is a wonderful exercise and after a while you will start to see things really clearly.

After all, you have been writing about “Your Dream Life”, so plainly, these are what your goals should be.

Coming up next – What I have achieved using this method.

Monday, October 15, 2007

The Sequel to The Secret cont.

More on The Secret # 2.

This is really an update on a post from last month about The Secret sequel and what it is going to be about and when it will be released.
According to a good contact ;), that I talked to over the weekend, the sequel to The Secret will be very different to the original Secret Movie. According to him, Prime Time Productions have created a movie which is more about the Earth – ie. the world we live in and that it seems to have more of a conservation theme - taking care of nature. Prime Time Productions have been very quiet regarding the sequel to The Secret film - the only thing that is fairly clear is that it is going to be quite different.
There is also a suggestion that they appear to be gathering personal stories of gratitude and success with using The Secret.
This could be very useful for the many people who have watched the secret a half a dozen times, who thought it was wonderful and loved the message but have never really taken it any further to actually try and use it to improve their lives.

I’m sure this has happened with a huge percentage of those who watched the Secret.
They loved it, were inspired by it, watched it another few times, showed their friends, had some fantastic thoughts about trying some of the methods that they learn t from The Secret and then the next busy phase of their lives comes up and it is all forgotten.
There really is so much more to attracting exactly what you want in your life and creating your own life.

Bob Proctor teamed up with Jack Canfield and Michael Beckwith, 3 of The Teachers in The Secret, to produce a whole program which goes into much more detail than The Secret has about manifesting and The Law of Attraction. It is called 'The Secret Science of Getting Rich" program which I highly recommend as my partner and I have been following this home study program since we bought it in march 2007 and have just loved it (not to mention achieved some wonderful results from using it). But that’s another post altogether.
Here’s some information about it for those who are interested.
The Secret Science of Getting Rich Home Study Course

I have seen a number of online discussions about how a sequel to The Secret would be nothing more than a marketing exercise designed to make more money.
There is no doubt that this is one of the reasons for them to do a sequel. It would be hard to guess what sort of money they made from the first Secret Movie. But to me, there is nothing wrong with this.
The Secret has added value to millions of lives. And this is how we as a society function – we provide a service, offer value to others and get paid accordingly to the value that we offer.
Bob Proctor dedicates a whole chapter in the SGR program to this notion, this idea of adding value to other peoples lives.
Our aim should be to “Give people more in use value than you take from them in cash value. Then, you are adding to the life of the world with every business transaction”.
If just 5% of those who have seen The Secret went out and improved their lives for the better using the methods in The Secret. That is a great service.
Or for those who saw the movie and were inspired enough to achieve something in their lives, even if they had no intention of using the methods in The Secret, then that is also a great service and is well worth the value that was spent on it.
But I think there were actually a lot more people than just 5% of those who saw The Secret who’s lives have changed for the better because of it.
And considering there have been millions of copies sold, as well as the obviously countless number of people that watched it online or have burnt a copy, that adds up to a lot of individuals.

For those that think it is purely money making exercise alone, they have obviously not looked into The Secret deeply enough!

New update: November 16th, 2007

Well, the November release date hasn’t happened, and we still haven’t heard any more news about what the next Secret movie will be about.

We will be one of the first to find out when the news is finally released so if you would like to stay updated, make sure you subscribe to my RSS feed.

Update: June 2008

We have just received confirmation that the next product to be released will be the new Secret Book.
Exact dates haven’t been disclosed yet but it is not too far away. One of the major ‘Secret’ distributors that we know well have mentioned that it should be released sometime between now and October 08.

Planet Earth Forever

The most recent release from The Secret is a wonderful inspirational clip called Planet Earth Forever. Who knows, maybe this is what the sequel to The Secret will be about.

Do take a look at this lovely film clip, just sit back and enjoy the music and our beautiful Planet Earth for three minutes. It’s good for your soul.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Changing a negative thought into a positive one.

Staying Positive

"Happiness is an attitude. We either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong. The amount of work is the same."
Francesca Reigler

If you’re reading my blog you probably know a bit about the Law of Attraction, or are at least interested in learning more about it.

Basically the Law of Attraction states that we attract what we think about most.

You might have seen the scene on The Secret where the guy keeps going to his letter box expecting there to be bills, and guess what, he gets bills, over and over again.

So how do we make those negative thoughts become positive ones and achieve the rewards that we should be receiving?

How do we stop those pesky little (and sometimes not so little) negative thoughts from coming into our heads, or if they do happen to force their way in, how do we eradicate them and replace them with positive, good vibes? (dude)

Since late 2006 I had some major issues with money and the environment. You could call me a tight-arse (stingy) and I wouldn’t argue with you (now days anyway). Saving here and skimping there, I used to buy a new pair of shoes perhaps once every 3 years when the old ones used to be just about falling apart. I used to worry incessantly about where or when I was going to make enough money to live on past the next week. In reality, I look back at that time and we were in much better shape than I ever gave credit for. We owned an investment property in Brisbane (a capitol cities in Australia), we ate good food every night, and I even managed to slip off for a surf every couple of weeks (which was 2hrs away) from the city. Yes we owned a car as well and lived in a small but nice house. There’s gratitude for you….not.

I also worried incessantly about the environment and how the future looked bleak for my daughter with global warming and record low rainfall in our area etc. But there wasn’t much I could do about this because I was working far too hard to make the next dollar for next weeks living expenses and was too much of a tight-arse to buy green energy.

So I worried!

As clichéd as some might think it sounds, it was when I watched The Secret that my attitude changed dramatically.

Probably the first thing that I did which made a huge difference was to set some real goals – the “ask” bit in The Secret.

These were positive goals that were achievable to me, although I did bump them up a bit in order to make them a bit more challenging. Funnily enough I reached the initial goals that I set before the bump up, I suppose this was concreted into my subconscious mind (by me of course) as I was setting my goals. And because I had implanted the idea in my head that this is what I could definitely achieve – low and behold, this is what I achieved.

Not only did setting these really wonderful goals help me to focus on what I wanted, it also kept me in a positive frame of mind…….most of the time.

Yes there were those moments when good old Mr negative tried to squirm his way back into my brain and pick a fight with the new boys on the block positive thoughts.

It was my partner who helped me with how to push the negative thoughts away.

The idea was to keep a tab on when those negative thoughts tried to come in, and immediately replace them with thoughts of my goals. My goals are obviously a lovely picture in my head so it made my happy and positive again. Pretty soon this became a habit for me and the negative thoughts became less and less as the days went on. This also showed up dramatically in the results I was getting, as well as how I was living my life right now. I was actually enjoying life and appreciating the things that I had – good food, a wonderful family, a house, a car, the freedom to go on surf trips.

Now, after years of unnecessary worry about money, things have changed for the better. The type of work that I do has not changed much at all, but now I see all the possibilities ahead of me, rather than losing sleep over whether we will have enough for next weeks rent. And guess what, with my new attitude, I can now do much more meaningful things towards helping the environment such as taking time to plant some trees or donating money to the right charity, and we now have 100% green energy.

The last thing that I would like to mention about changing a negative thought to a positive is about staying inspired. As you may have guessed, surfing is a passion of mind, I’ve probably only mentioned it a half dozen times here but this is what keeps me inspired. And of course, surfing was firmly embedded amongst several of the goals that I set after seeing The Secret, i.e. to do more of it.

This is what floats my boat (pardon the pun), but inspiration obviously comes in many different forms to each individual.

It can particularly help if you have had a succession of downs, a whole day of negative thoughts and you’re struggling to get your head back into a positive space.

Stop everything and go to your passion, your inspiration. You’re only going to attract more of the negative if you continue on that path, so it is not worth continuing.

For me it might be playing with my beautiful daughter, going to the beach, putting on a great surf video or some great music that I listened over and over on some of my surf trips with my surf buddies.

Turning to your inspiration is a wonderful way to help turn your whole attitude around and give you a fresh start to being positive again.

Here is a great video in another that I have watched over and over again to inspire me - Inspiration!

Feel free to leave your ideas of how you stay positive.



Inspiration can come in many forms, from your hero, your favourite music, children, poetry or films for example.

Here is one of my favourite inspirational videos. Many of you may have already seen it, it has been viewed millions of times, but I never tire of seeing it again.

This video is a true story of Juan Mann, who’s mission was to reach out and hug a stranger to brighten up their lives.
Even though there were attempts to ban his campaign, he rallied the public to join him, and in the true spirit of humanity, he achieved his inspiring goal.

Yes, you guessed it - Free Hugs.

Doesn’t it inspire you to go out and just Hug a stranger!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

5 Free Secret Lessons & Manifesting ebook

Global Secrets International - About our newsletter.

The Secret DVD mini course is a 5 lesson course based on The Secret movie. It will give you tips and ideas on how to use and apply The Law of attraction in all different areas of your life.

To subscribe, just type in your name and email address (to your right) and the first of your lessons will be sent to you shortly after you have confirmed your email address.

We are also including a Free ebook "The Principles of Successful Manifesting" when you first subscribe.

The Principles of Successful Manifesting was written by Thomas Herold from the company Dream Manifesto and is a wonderful insight into how to live your life dreams in Abundance and Prosperity and it is free for you to read and give to your friends.
It covers in detail such topics as Where to find happiness, using your imagination, the Law of Attraction, how to set goals and not lose sight of them and the art of manifesting just to name a few of the chapters.

We are always on the lookout for new tools, information and things to help you to improve your life and to make you feel good which we will be sending you in future newsletters.

There will of course be updates and news on what is happening in The Secret world.

Enjoy your free lessons.
You can also subscribe to our newsletter on our website here.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

The sequel to The Secret

The Secret - The Next Step

Rhonda Byrnes and Prime Time Productions have been working on The Secret sequel for many months now, and there is much anticipation to what they will come up with.

After the enormous success that The Secret has had in reaching the masses and changing lives, what possibly can they come up with that could come even close to having the same effect?

The Official Secret website blogspot is calling it The Secret - The next step. I'm not sure if this is what it will be called for sure but we will find out soon enough.
After browsing the net for several hours trying to find more information about it I read that it will basically take up where The Secret left off and go into a bit more detail on how to apply the methods used in The Secret. Creating a real action plan in other words. I can't confirm my findings though - we will see.
One thing for sure is that the movies The Opus and Pass it on, are not The official sequel to The Secret.
If you have a look The official Opus website even states this clearly in their blog. The Pass it on website has no disclaimer about this that I could find, however it has been posted several times on The Secrets blogspot stating that it is a poor imitation.
In my net travels I discovered a number of blog posts and forums stating that each of these 2 films were the long awaited sequel to The Secret, but this probably marketers trying to hang off the back of the success that The Secret has had.
If anyone finds out anything more about it please let me know.

Three of the Teachers on The Secret movie - Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield and Michael Beckwith have combined their knowledge to release a home study program called The Secret Science of Getting Rich. This program take The Secret to the next level and allows people to really study the information and techniques used in the secret to make their lives even better.
My partner and I have been doing the Secret SGR course since we bought it in March 07 and we just love it.
We listen to 3 chapters a week, and even though wev'e been through the whole program once already I pick up something new that I missed, every time.
The other thing that I love about the SGR program is that if I am ever having a challenge with something, as soon as I listen to the next chapter later that night with Anneli, a pertinent point is made by Bob, Jack or Michael that seems to fit in perfectly with what I need to know to tackle the challenge.
Every single chapter seems to resonate with whats going on in my life.
If anyone else is also doing the Secret SGR program I'd love to hear your thoughts on it.

Well, there are exciting times ahead for "Secret" fans.

Perhaps the fame that The Secret has already had on the public will garantee its success but for one, as a big fan, I am really looking forward to seeing what direction they go.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

The power of gratitude

Gratitude is something I use a lot these days. I actually have a “Gratitude/My ideal life diary”. So much fun and enjoyment goes in to this. I write three gratitude points daily as well as 15 minutes of writing about my “Ideal life”. The feelings you get when you write about this are amazing, try it…You will enjoy it for sure. Be aware of your facial expressions when you write. It makes you smile!

This prayer of gratitude was found on a scrap of paper in a rancid dormitory at the liberation of Ravensbruck Concentration Camp in Germany at the end of World War II.

"Lord, remember not only the men of good will, but also those of ill will. But do not remember all the suffering they have inflicted upon us. Remember rather the fruits we have brought, thanks to this suffering: our comradeship, our loyalty, our humility, the courage, the generosity, the greatness of heart that has grown out of this. And when they come to judgment, let all the fruits we have born be their forgiveness."

The Power of Gratitude is an extremely important aspect of attracting to you the abundance and happiness that you desire and deserve in your life.

How is it that gratitude can affect the life experiences that you encounter from day to day? The power of gratitude works on the brain. It is a useful approach to lifting the spirit to a higher frequency where deep and lasting happiness can occur.

There is a very simple reason why most spiritual traditions suggest that when praying we give thanks for what we already have rather than ask for what we do not have. The power of gratitude and the vibration it creates within us always attracts more good things to us. You were guided here to learn how the power of gratitude will transform your life into a dream come true.

Apply the power of gratitude to supercharge your success. You can do this by consciously training yourself to notice everything you have to be grateful for and by doing so, tap into the power of gratitude.

Gratitude is often overlooked and seldom ever considered to be an important aspect of re-programming your subconscious for success. You may have read scientific studies that actually show that folks excel after they adopted an attitude. Where gratitude was part of their everyday life, or maybe they started to keep a Gratitude Journal, their lives were noticeably changed. Being grateful and seeing situations (good or "bad") as a blessing brings more joy and happiness into your life.

When you are thankful for something, no matter how small it is, you are initiating the Law of Attraction to get even more of what you want and deserve. Watch how the power of gratitude works to create peace, beauty and joy in your life. The most powerful attitude we can ever have is the attitude of gratitude.

By learning to appreciate what you have, you increase your ability to harvest the abundance of “the supreme power” or God if you prefer. When you are able to fully develop that awareness, (and with a little practice, you will) not only is it an extremely freeing experience, but you are setting yourself up for a much greater flow of abundance and happiness being attracted to and coming into your life. The Universal Laws that govern everything in life are in place and you only need to learn to operate in harmony with them. When you do, it will allow you to attract the abundance and happiness that you desire.

Go for it, be grateful for every single little thing.

“I am so happy and grateful to be able to share this information with as many people as possible.”

Monday, July 30, 2007

Thought and The Law of Attraction

The law of attraction has been one of my favorite topics for the last few years really. But it wasn’t until I saw “The Secret” for the first time in June last year (2006) that it really did hit home.

I started applying the law of attraction and reading more about it, and I was amazed by the results I was achieving. In just a couple of weeks of applying the law of attraction I was off back home to Sweden for a well deserved holiday. Of course it is not as easy as just thinking of something and you will get it. No, you will have to action your thoughts as well. But what do we do if we are not achieving the results we want to achieve?

We have all heard the expression, "if at first you don't succeed, try, try again." But to carry on without thinking about why you failed only leads to more failure.

The ability to create is a God given gift. A gift given to everyone without exception. Thought is the first step to manifesting any creation. Thoughts are energy, they are real. Your thoughts act as magnets and attract other thoughts, people, and circumstances that harmonize with them.

Thoughts operate and adhere to certain universal laws. Without these laws there would be no order; the universe itself would sink into chaos.

The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like. Much of what was once considered metaphysical, esoteric knowledge in the past is now scientific fact. Physics has shown that the principles involved in the Law of Attraction are every bit as valid as those governing the Law of Gravity. So it should come as no surprise that dwelling only on your problems simply attracts more problems.

The idea of attracting success by thinking about it is very appealing. So appealing in fact, people often get the wrong impression that it's easy. Affirmations can be helpful, but mindless affirmations alone have no real value. On the other hand, once an affirmation becomes part of your belief system the subconscious goes to work attracting opportunities. It is not the success itself we attract, but the opportunity to succeed.

Our world is ruled by cause and effect, yet we often fail to see how this rule applies to the thoughts we think. This happens because the results of our thoughts are so far removed from the cause that we fail to see the connection.

The subconscious mind is working tirelessly 24 hours a day. It doesn't analyze, it doesn't judge, it simply accepts and attracts more of what the conscious mind is focused on. Are you attracting problems or solutions? By focusing on WHAT YOU desire and showing gratitude for what you already have, the subconscious mind is given the necessary material to provide a constant stream of opportunities. Whether we take advantage of these opportunities or not is another story.

It's impossible to operate outside the law of attraction. Consciously or unconsciously your thoughts, feelings, and emotions, determine if this law works for or against you. Stay focused on your success and reaching your goals. As one success leads to another, success becomes a habit. Problems and obstacles are seen as no more than stepping stones on the road to your ultimate goal.

Recommended “Law of attraction” reading:
(You can get these books on amazon pretty cheap)

Ask and it is given
– Esther and Jerry Hicks
The Secret – Rhonda Byrne
Think and grow rich – Napoleon Hill
The science of getting rich – Wallace D Wattles
Rich dad poor dad – Robert Kiyosaki
You were born rich – Bob Proctor

Go for it!


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

My first blog

Hi there!

This is an exciting moment for me as I have just set up my first ever blog. My name is Anneli and I am of swedish background but am now living in Anglesea, Australia with my partner Richie and my 3 year old daughter Klara.

This blog will cover subjects such as self-help and meditation. Of course self-help is a very broad subject and my aim is to get the word out there on your power to change using methods posted on this blog. I have personaly been "working" on my self for the last few years with some amazing results using "The law of attraction", so that will of course be a topic I will discuss in more detail.

I am really looking forward to letting you know how to live and achieve your dreams. It is possible and anyone can do it. "You can do, be and have ANYTHNG you want".

Anneli Asplund