Thursday, November 29, 2007

Vision Poster & Guidebook (Yours to keep)

“I have a dream”…”Well, pin it up on the wall then!”

Turn My Dream into Reality Vision Poster & Guidebook.

Free for you to download and use.

You may have read one of my previous posts about setting goals.

Here is a terrific ‘goal focus’ tool that I have used effectively, which has helped me to stay centered and focused on what I really want to achieve.

The Law of Attraction states that what you focus on, you will get, but you must have a very clear picture in your mind of what exactly you want.

Having a beautiful poster on the wall in front of you every day with your goal and how to achieve it is a great way to help you focus on your goals.

I have done 3 vision posters, one each for my 3 biggest goals which I have pinned to my bedroom wall. I look at them every morning when I wake up, and every night just before going to bed.

The Vision Poster has been designed by my partner Anneli, who is also the webmaster/graphic designer for our website

It is a high-resolution poster that you can print out in any size up to A2, and pin up in a prominent place in your bedroom, office, on the back of the toilet door – anywhere really.

The Poster also comes with a guidebook to help you with setting up your own vision poster.

It is free to use and send to your friends.

Click here for Vision Poster

Click here for Vision Guidebook

I will be posting a number of other free tools over the coming months so please stay tuned.

Each self help tool that I post will of course will not be enough by itself to change your entire future, but it will be one more piece in an overall system of powerful tools and strategies that will help you improve your life and work towards your dreams.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Meditation Explained

For those who have never tried it, they may think it is some sort of new age mumbo jumbo, or consider it to be prayer or worship, but this is far from the truth.
Meditation is now proven to be more than just a ‘warm and fuzzy’ feeling, it actually works.

In fact, most of us meditate regularly during our lives, but don’t even know that we are doing it.

Why Meditate?

Scientists and doctors study meditation and recommend it. Meditation is now proven to be more than just a ‘warm and fuzzy’ feeling. It works. So there are many reasons why people begin to meditate. Some learn meditation to become more relaxed, for improvement in health, to reduce stress, for clearer thinking, to become more creative, to sleep better and to improve mental strength. There are physical, emotional and spiritual Benefits of Meditation. It’s safe, it’s simple and it’s free.

People who are not familiar with meditation may consider it to be prayer or worship, but this is far from the truth. Meditation can be described as concentrated awareness – so as you overcome distractions and focus your mind on something you are becoming aware; you are meditating when you maintain a continued state of awareness. There are a wide range of disciplines taught for bringing your attention on to some object or thought or awareness. In fact what happens in the process is that meditation moves your brainwaves into an alpha state. This is a relaxed state with a level of consciousness where you are still aware. In the alpha state learning and healing are promoted.


In the alpha state your brainwaves run between 8 – 12 cycles per second or hertz, compared with your normal waking state beta – of 13 – 25 hertz. Deeper states of relaxation move through theta, delta to the deepest delta, which is a highly creative state of relaxation.

In fact you are meditating when you focus on birds singing – to the exclusion of all other thoughts, or staring into the fire, just focusing on that, or concentrating on your breath coming in and out, thinking of nothing else.

Traditionally Eastern cultures have practised meditation for centuries as part of their spiritual teachings, and until recently, say the last 30 or 40 years , Westerners viewed meditation with a bit of suspicion. Now, the benefits are so well documented and experienced by so many that it has become common practice for many doctors and health practitioners to recommend meditation as part of their healing plan.

There are two basic techniques of meditating and the different practices fall in to either of these two categories, with some variations possible. In mindfulness meditation the meditator sits in a comfortable position and focuses his attention and awareness on an object or activity – such as a candle, breathing, a visualisation or a mantra, keeping an open focus and awareness of the present moment as he does so. This method allows for free flowing and observing of his thoughts while using the focus as an ‘anchor’ he constantly brings his mind back to the focus, when he starts to wander off in to different thoughts.

With concentration meditation which is used by most spiritual and religious traditions, the meditator keeps his attention on a particular object like repetition of a prayer or a mantra to minimize distractions, and continually brings his mind back to the chosen object. Lawrence LeShan defined meditation in ‘How to Meditate’ as “doing one thing at a time with your whole being”.

In some traditions both mindful and concentration meditation are combined.

It is possible to practice meditation even while walking or doing simple repetitive tasks. It is in moments when your mind is clear that you get that ‘realisation’, ‘inspiration’ or ‘BFO’ (blinding flash of the obvious). “AHA” you say, as something miraculously pops in to your head.

Learn How to Meditate

You can attend sessions somewhere in your city, usually free, to learn how to meditate. There are many books and tapes to help you, most of them excellent aids. It is easy and simple to learn. There are many tools to help you move into a meditative state. The one I absolutely love is the Holosync audio tapes from Centrepointe (I don’t lightly recommend products, but this advanced Neuro technology is light years ahead of anything else I have tried and read about. I use it daily).

When you practice meditation regularly you begin to liberate the energy in your mind and the quality of your consciousness will expand. You will become more relaxed and happy, experiencing a sense of control of your life. You tend to approach life in a much more peaceful manner, not stressing in ways you might have done previously. This is not just a generalised statement, but is now being proven by empirical research.

I maintain wholeheartedly that meditation is truly beneficial. Do try it.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

How to beat Procrastination

"Anyone can do any amount of work, provided it isn't the work he is supposed to be doing at that moment. "

~Robert Benchley

Does this sound like you?

Here is an article written by my mother Winsome (who also writes for our Secret Website) who has, in the past been a famous procrastinator in my circle of family and friends. They are very simple suggestions about how to deal with procrastination, but are very effective.

Sit down at the start of the day and set your priorities...........Read on.

Procrastination 101 - Don’t do it Now – Put it on Your List

Do you have a “To Do” list?

Do you constantly have trouble completing your “To Do” list?

Here are some of the BEST hints I’ve ever heard about how to tackle something that seems to be innate in most humans – Procrastination!

If you are really well organised, get things done in a timely manner, and do NOT have a huge undoable list called:
then don’t waste your time reading this

Procrastination………I am really well qualified to write on this topic, because I have been known to not only have a list of things to do, but in that same list I have even written – ‘read this list’.

I mean to say …….

I am happy to report that I am getting over this ‘List Addiction’
If this strikes a cord with you, then I have discovered the best hint ever. I am not kidding; this has really helped me….

Procrastinate no longer.

We are nearly all aware these days of the importance of goal setting.
You may have read about the recent Harvard study of a class of young men, a generation ago now. Some of whom wrote very clear goals, and some of them didn’t. I don’t think I need to spell out the outcome 40 years later….

So you probably have goals, I hope you do; and have even written them down. We know that goal setting and being very focused about our dream is crucial.
But while you are busy, busy with a list of ‘Things To Do’, a list often of trivial things, you are not really focusing at all.

So what is the BEST hint for Procrastinators?
This is it. From today’s list of things to do – PRIORITISE, look at those tasks and put them in order of importance.
Start with Number 1 and do it until it is done. Then and only then can you allow yourself to move on to Number 2.

Prioritise – what does that really mean?
It means put at the top of the list the MOST IMPORTANT things that will lead you towards your goal.
And all those silly little tasks you put on your list that are easy to do, and that don’t move you directly towards our goal – down to the bottom of the list they go.
It means things like – don’t go checking your emails every 5 minutes to see if something new has arrived, no nipping out for a coffee every so often, instead of doing another task.

It also means doing the important things and NOT the ‘urgent things’. It means not jumping to fill in a survey that was sent to you, or fixing up something for the person who shouts the loudest. It means not putting off something that seems a bit uncomfortable – just get on with it.

Once you start, then you will see what the next step will be.

Bonus Hint Number 2

"To think too long about doing a thing often becomes its undoing." ~Eva Young

If there is a 2 minute job (or less) that pops up – do it NOW.
That’s it, that’s all. Don’t put it on the list to look at over and over again. Just get it out of the way now – and out of your head so that it doesn’t take up valuable space.

Now you will have some time to really work on getting clear about your goals.

"Procrastination is something best put off until tomorrow." ~Gerald Vaughan

This quote is a little rude so I have put it at the bottom of this blog. It made me laugh though:

"Procrastination is like masturbation. At first it feels good, but in the end you're only screwing yourself." ~Author Unknown

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Hit the ground running

Well, I'm back from 2 weeks of surfing, relaxing and spending time with my family. It has taken a little longer to get back into my blog than I first envisaged. To go from spending life at a snails pace, to touching down at my local airport and hitting the ground running, is a hard thing to adjust to.

I have now caught up and am back into it, refreshed and invigorated with a new goal and vision in my head to do a lot more 'snails pace' living in the future.
To make my goal a concrete goal, I have made a specific promise to myself that next year I will have no less than 2 months of this on June 1st 2008. Perhaps someone else can write for me during that time.

I will let you know how it goes.