Monday, August 4, 2008

What You Reject, you Project

A while ago, we visited the concept of projection. Since it's such a big issue in so many people's lives, let's look at it again now.

Here's the basic thing: what you reject in yourself, you project onto other people.

You see, you are "designed" to be a whole person. You aren't designed to repress or reject any of your being. Why would the universe design something that was supposed to reject itself?

When you reject something in yourself, it has to go somewhere. Life is a totality -- and if you neglect something in you, it becomes a gap in your vision; you start searching for it.

Hence, if you reject your own ignorance, you'll find it in most other people. If you reject your own selfishness, you'll find it in others. Sames goes for fear, anger, jealousy, lust...anything else.
Whatever you refuse to see in yourself you'll almost immediately find in others.

So the lesson is simply this: pay attention to what you're projecting, and from that, start to see what you're rejecting.

Fix the missing gap inside you, and you'll instantly fix the "world" -- without having to change a thing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is what i am after an easy way to understand this. I kept hearing people telling me that those around me are my mirror but i truly didn't understand it. Now i am coming to understand it. where i am laughing at myself in reconition.