Friday, June 13, 2008

Your Being Whispers -- It Doesn't YELL

Teachings like The Secret, and many others, advise people to become still and silent as an essential part of any growth experience. But have you ever reflected on why this is?

Yes, sure, stillness and silence seem like they "should" be part of things...but why? After all, the creator of this universe (you can give credit to whomever you wish :) also "created noise" right? So why is silence so much better than noise?

From what I've experienced and grasped, it's not a question of silence being "better" than noise -- it's not like that. It seems that the tone of the soul -- of your original self -- is very quiet. The inner you -- the one that guides you; your intuition -- simply doesn't yell. It whispers very faintly.

As such, only when you're still and silent can you actually start to hear what your being is trying to say. It may be telling you to do something or it may be telling you to not do something; but regardless of that advice from within, it's going to be quiet -- again, like a whisper.

How much time do you spend each day allowing yourself to hear your inner self give you direction? If you don't spend any time doing it then guess what?

You don't even know what you really want.

How can you "envision success" when you don't even know what you want?

Stop. Separate. Be silent.

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