Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Secret Book Sequel may not be far away.

Update February 2009

After rumors that started way back in early 2007 about a follow up book and movie to The Secret, we recently heard the news from one of the major suppliers that Rhonda Byrnes’ sequel to the Secret Book is not far away.

April 2009 has been mentioned for the release date, although apparently a title has not yet been decided.

According to the Los Angeles Times blogsite, The Secret is nearing it’s 100th week on the L.A. Times bestseller list, and both the book and DVD have reached over $300 Million in sales since its release in 2006.

Now ….. I’m not sure how long it takes to print a heap of books; but I’m guessing they will be looking at a pretty big print run for the first release considering the success of the Secret Book and DVD so far.

So I guess they’d better get a wriggle on and choose a name so that they can start printing if it’s going to be released in April.

Hey…It’s all rumors anyway, and personally, I will believe it when I see it. Let’s hope its sooner rather than later, I can’t wait to see what the next installment is about.

P.S. The other news that we heard was that the follow up DVD will be released in Sept/Oct; but that’s ages away from now, so I will let you know more when I hear something concrete.

Richie (Global Secrets)

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