And one of the key insights that some people may have overlooked -- because they didn't spend much time on this in The Secret -- was that this is not about thinking; this is about feeling.
Now, this is not the old "head vs. heart" thing -- and if you consider yourself to be a cool, rational, level-headed person, then if you don't clearly get what is being shared here, you may think that in order to benefit from The Secret you suddenly have to start hugging everyone and crying all day and that kind of thing.
It's not like that.
When I say that that this is about feeling, I mean it very simply. In all of your searching and seeking for various things -- success, fame, power, whatever -- what you're really searching for is a feeling. Or, to put it even simpler: you will only accept that you've found what you're looking for once you experience that feeling. If you don't experience that feeling, then even if you get what you thought you wanted, it won't satisfy you; instead, it will leave you more depressed than when you started, because back then you at least had the hope that getting this new thing would "make you happy" -- but now that you've got it and don't feel happy, you have to face the fact that your prediction -- your expectation -- was wrong.
This is what happens to MANY people who achieve some measure of worldly success; they get the dream job that they coveted, or they get the bigger house (the one that, you know, makes everyone else jealous), or they get the degree, or the whatever that they were CONVINCED was going to make them happy.
But...it doesn't.
Why not? It has nothing to do with money. If you're going to live on this planet, here's some good advice: having money is better than not having money.
It has to do with the feeling that you want -- the feeling that, deep inside, is at the core of your desire. That FEELING is what you expect to get from whatever it is you acquire or achieve -- be it a better job, a "better" partner, or whatever.
Please don't get me wrong. By all means, go and get those things if you want them -- why not? Get a better job, get a bigger house, find a better partner, do what you need to do. Don't just tune out of the world -- that doesn't work either (where will you go?)
Just be alert that, deep inside, what you're really searching for is a feeling -- a feeling of unity, of completeness, of peace. You're searching for an exit from the endless, chronic fear/greed movement that makes life infinitely more miserable than it needs to be. You're searching for home.
You're searching for you.
And guess where you are?
Right here. Right now. As you read this -- there you are. You can't find you anywhere else but right here, right now. You can find everything ELSE somewhere else. But you can only find you in one place. Here, now. And that's ultimately what you want to find -- you're just looking in the wrong places.
Once you find yourself in the here and now, you can do whatever you want and will enjoy it. Because you won't be looking for yourself in anything that happens to you (or anything you get/achieve/experience/etc.). You'll simply be enjoying reality as it is.
Strange, isn't it?
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