Friday, April 4, 2008

What You Reject, You Project

It’s very tempting to identify what we hate about other people. Or, if hate is too strong of a word, pick something else: dislike, cannot tolerate…whatever.

The point is, is that it’s often easier to see what we don’t like about someone than what we DO like – and it’s often easier for our minds to grasp the negative. Years and years of practice will do that!

But beware – or rather, be ALERT: what you reject in others, you often PROJECT onto reality. It’s the old saying: if you have a hammer in your hand, everything looks like a nail.

Instead of focusing on what it is about others that “bother” you – focus on what part it is about YOURSELF that another person is uncomfortably shedding light on. Because, really, you cannot feel something that isn’t a part of you, right? If someone else is triggering a negative response in you, the response (more of a reaction, really) is in YOU. So why not look at it in YOU instead of trying to find it in other people? It’s a lot easier, and really, you’re a lot closer to you than you are to anyone else.

Remember: the good we see in others is in us…and the bad we see in others is ALSO in us. Start noticing – and in a strange way, being grateful – to people who invoke negative feelings in you; don’t run away from those feelings and dismiss them as “bad” – they are there to TEACH YOU something about YOU.

Spend time reflecting on what it really is about other people that “bug you” – and deeply look inside to see what it is about YOU that this is triggering. Once you figure this out -- once you unlock the awareness that the triggering is trying to teach you -- you may discover, as many people have, that those things start to fade away on their own. You no longer have to fight against them -- you no longer have to reject them. They have done their job. They have added to your consciousness; to your being.

Remember: growth cannot happen exclusively through happiness. Growth happens through awareness; not through happiness.


Anonymous said...

"It's not what you make, It's not what you take, It's what you give away...for heaven's sake give away"
Vince Gill
American Country Artist

Richie Coutts said...

Hi anonymous, yup -- you cannot actually give away what you don't have (which wouldn't make a good song lyric, but I think that's what Vince Gill also meant :). Miserable, deceitful or just plain self-centered people are simply giving to others what they have -- just as loving, generous, and positive people. You can't be what you aren't, and you can't give what you don't have. Simple huh?