Friday, March 28, 2008
Celebrate the Success of Others
However…this is, for some of us, easier said than done.
When we see someone – perhaps someone we know and don’t like a lot! – achieve success in some areas of their life (usually financially), we can sometimes feel envious and jealous; we can resent that person’s success, and even start dwelling on all of the bad things that they MUST be doing in order to get success. We can even start wishing bad things to happen to them.
Why are we doing this?
Really, think about it. Why? Because – and only because – deep down inside, we feel that someone else’s success is coming at the cost of our own. This seems ESPECIALLY TRUE when someone close to us becomes very successful in their job or in some other part of their life. Yeah, sure, we’re happy for them…but deep inside, the wheel of envy churns and spews out negative feelings that we’d like to pretend don’t exist!
The way “out” of this kind of hell – and it is a kind of hell, really – is to appreciate and admire success WHEREVER YOU SEE IT. Don’t link that success to a person – because success is NOT personal. Success is like sunlight. You can have a home with windows in the roof and you can, in superficial terms, “capture the sunlight in your house” – but really, what could be more insane than thinking that you can capture sunlight? Sunlight is given to all of us as a gift – we didn’t earn it, we don’t help it, we simply (if we’re in tune with reality) appreciate, admire, and feel grateful for it. And if we can somehow put windows in our roofs that will allow in some sunlight, that’s great! But to think that you OWN the sunlight – or worse, to be jealous of someone who “has sunlight” is…well, yeah, it’s kind of insane.
So the next time you see success – maybe someone you don’t like (or don’t even know) has a car that you simply could NOT afford at this point in your life, instead of feeling jealous or reflecting miserably on your own life (“oh, if I could only get a car like that…if only…”), appreciate the success that has engaged that person. Admire the SUCCESS – as you would admire the sunlight. You don’t have to admire the person; you can if you want, but you don’t have to. Simply notice, appreciate, and admire the success.
And then start to admire success in other ways, too. Admire success in EVERYTHING that you see, and in everyone that you meet. Even things that you love complaining about – politicians, social systems, lack of this or that – start to see it from a different perspective. The very fact that you and I can communicate through a blog, over the Internet, is a remarkable success. I’m old enough to remember a time when, hey, even a phone without a cord was considered revolutionary technology. And now total strangers can meet in a blog and share a kind of intimate, personal growth and development experience. If that’s not a success story, I don’t know what is!
So today’s advice: please stop feeling jealous or envious – and instead, celebrate success. And as a bonus, remember: the more success you notice, the more you will ATTRACT. That’s how it works.
Until next week!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
How Seriously Do You Take Yourself?
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
What is Success?
The Secret is kind of like one of those Zen parables that seem remarkably simple on first glance, but reveal layers and layers (and layers and layers) of enhanced meaning the more deeply you allow yourself to explore. I wouldn’t call this “deceptive simplicity” – rather, I’d call it ‘mysterious simplicity” – because the minute you think you’ve figured something out, there’s a whole new level of meaning to play with.
Take, for instance, the whole idea of success. Now, many people gravitating towards The Secret – either consciously or unconsciously – may feel pulled by the idea of “success.” That is, they want success in some part of their life. They want to experience success. They want to celebrate success. That makes sense. Who doesn’t want success?
But…the very idea of this – wanting success – compels us, whether we want to be compelled or not, to address an even more fundamental question: what is success?
Really. Ask yourself. What is it?
Is it a bank balance? Is it “stuff” that you have – cars, homes, other toys? Is it measured on terms of approval, the way that people vote for a politician (ack!). Or is it measured some other way? Is it measured in terms of peace, of awareness, of love?
I can’t answer this question – and I’m not even going to try. It’s not a question for me to answer for you – only YOU can answer it; and that means, you have to sit back, reflect, and really understand what success “is” to you. Otherwise, even if you GET what you think you want – what you think will make you successful – you won’t actually feel like a success. Somewhere deep inside you’ll feel…empty and confused; because that idea of success hasn’t been satisfied.
Spend some time reflecting on this idea, and developing your personal definition of success. Here’s a big, maybe even life-changing hint to get you going in the right direction: pretend that you were the ONLY person on earth. Really. What would success mean to you?
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Slow Down to Speed Up!
Unfortunately, this obsession with speed has not been accompanied by an increase in quality. That is, instead of doing things faster and better, we tend to do them faster and faster, and spend whatever “time we saved” in our speed correcting errors that would not have been made if we weren’t going so fast! :) Funny, isn’t it? Sad, too.
Start to see if speed is dominating YOUR life. Are you focused relentlessly on “the next thing” that you have to do – the next thing on your list that needs to be crossed off – that you really pay little or no attention to the present moment? Are you living, essentially, in the service of your to-do list?
Remember: life is short! Even if you make it to 100 years…really, that’s not even a blink in the eyes of time – if you read a history book, 100 years doesn’t even get a chapter! And if you believe that speeding up your life will somehow help you get more OUT of it, you’re belief is quite incorrect. Speeding up your life to the point where you sacrifice the quality of the present for the promise of the future (which never comes, by the way – there is no such thing as “future”), is not going to help you get more out of your life. In fact, just the opposite will happen: years will FLY BY and you’ll miss them. It’s a paradox. The faster you live your life, the more of it you miss.
Take a lesson from folks who haven’t been…infected by the speed virus. Slow down. Simplify. Clarify. Enjoy the experience of being alive right here, right now. Because that’s all you have: here, now. Everything else is an illusion.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Saying Goodbye to IF, THEN
- if life gives me a million dollars (or more), then I'll start being generous
- if life gives me good health, then I'll start enjoying my body
- if life gives me fame and recognition, then I'll start accepting myself
- if life gives me loyalty and security, then I'll start relaxing
- if life gives me approval, then I'll start having fun
- if life gives me success, then I'll start sharing and creating with others
- if life becomes more enjoyable, then I'll start focusing on things that matter
- if life becomes safer, then I'll start accepting other people as equals
- if life becomes more peaceful, then I'll start generating change and growth
- if life becomes more understandable, then I'll initiate and lead growth
And you can probably fill in your own "if, then" statement if you don't see one up there that, in some way, covers your current situation.
Today's lesson is simple (they're always simple!). Put aside the if-then statements; because the universe simply doesn't work that way...fortunately!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
So...What Do You REALLY Want?
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
The Secret of Being Miserable
Monday, March 17, 2008
More on LOA and Change
Friday, March 14, 2008
Are You Embracing Change?
And while LOA is quite simple in and of itself – it’s essentially the principle of like attracts like – there are aspects about it that are a bit more sophisticated and quite elegant. Understanding this deeper level will likely help you understand why LOA is working for you or why it ISN’T working for you.
This deeper elegance of LOA is really about the most emotionally-loaded word in the language; and probably, the word most responsible for more creation, more destruction, more love, more hate, more peace, more war, and more everything than anything else.
This word, of course, is change.
Life is not merely “about change” – it is synonymous with change. If the word “life” were to somehow disappear altogether from the English language, it could (and perhaps even should) be replaced by the word ‘change.’
Life cannot be static. Even if it seems to be routine, ritualistic or just plain repetitive at times, this is a perception; not a reality. As old Hereclitis says: you cannot step in the same river twice. He’s right. Change is built into the very fabric of life. It is the raw ingredient from which life is created, expressed, and ultimately, transformed from one form to another.
Now, here’s the thing: since LOA is an aspect of life, this must mean that LOA is an aspect of change. In other words: if you want to benefit from LOA, you must – by definition – accept change as part of your life.
And that, for many people is…well, it’s a problem! Because change means opening up to something new; it means, fundamentally, surrendering yourself to unimagined possibilities. It means letting go of what you think you know, because what you don’t know may very well be the change that needs to come into your life for LOA to “work” in the way that you want.
Let’s look at a practical example to help illustrate this.
Imagine that you’re in a stressful corporate-type job and it’s just becoming an exhaustive, draining, depressing experience. Instead of looking forward to another day on the job, you’re dreading it. And worse, because you’re getting “older” each day, you find yourself with less energy to stay alive (or merely survive) in your unfriendly, political and “left-brain dominated” corporate landscape.
Now, let’s say that you watch The Secret (click the link to get a copy if you haven’t seen it yet) and accept that, yes, LOA could help you free yourself from this knot of corporate pain and start your own home-based business. You may even have a friend or family member who has started their own home-based business, or you may have seen an Internet site or been to a seminar, and so you have an “idea” of what a home-based business could be about: and you want it!
And so you start absorbing and expressing the LOA principles: ask, believe, receive. And you do this with sincere intensity for several weeks, but…nothing happens. Things at work may have even become worse (it’s possible).
What might be happening here?
Paradoxically, the belief that the ONLY way to change your negative work situation is to start a home-based business (of one kind or another) may, actually, be PREVENTING your solution from manifesting itself! In other words: because you are “locked into” solving your problem a certain way, you may be resisting the change that has to take place into your life. You’re basically trying to PRESCRIBE the universe on “how to help you.” You're directing; not accepting.
The universe, fortunately, doesn’t work that way. Can you imagine the tires on a car all “intent” on going in a different direction – even of those different directions were, in themselves, ethical and “good”? The car would come apart. It would be destroyed; and the tires would actually lose far, far more than they gain, because the very vehicle that “drove” them – the body of their being – would be broken and unable to move them anywhere at all.
The message for you today, is to accept that, maybe, the change that has to happen in your life ISN’T what you envision it to be. Yes, your work situation may be a kind of living hell right now (and many work situations certainly are!). But maybe a home-based business isn’t the kind of positive change that you need. Maybe what you need to do is take a class in the evening, or maybe volunteer some of your time, or let something ELSE come into your life that will, ultimately, create a better situation for you. Maybe your workplace will start letting you do more work at home through the Internet.
Or it may be something that you can’t even imagine right now.
Yes, LOA promises that a solution to your problem is “on the way.” Now it’s up to YOU to position yourself to receive that solution. If you become obsessed with receiving only a particular solution – one that “fits” with your vision of what it “should be,” then you will almost certainly miss out on what is meant for you.
Be open, be alert, be welcome, and be aware. Watch how the universe conspires (in the nice way) to CHANGE your situation to the better.
The universe is always – always – focused on positive change. Always.
Embrace change. And then see how LOA “works” FOR you!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Darwin Re-Created
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Creative vs. Competitive
- you cannot "win" without making someone else "lose"
- your underlying motivation to take action is based on fear
- you are making decisions and/or taking actions that you know are not in alignment with your values -- but you have to "silence" this inner voice
- you cut yourself off from the feeling of what you're doing, and become completely cerebral and "stuck in your head"
- you do not honestly feel good about your accomplishments; instead, you feel empty, guilty or ashamed
- the value of your contribution has actually taken away something from the world -- it may be very small and perhaps nobody will notice, but YOU know
- if you met yourself (really, pretend that you did), you wouldn't be able to look yourself in the eye and clearly describe what you're doing, why you're doing it, and why you don't stop doing it
- you can only win when other people win alongside you
- your motivations are self-generating; instead of "talking yourself into" doing something, you simply ride a wave of authentic enthusiasm that is beyond your power to incite
- you are not obsessed by the outcome of your actions, but powerfully aware that the means and the ends are, in fact, part of the very same contiuum and are "part" of each other (much as the cloud is part of the rain; and the rain is part of the ocean)
- you are open and adjust to reality and to nature; you don't impose your agenda on the world, but instead, embrace and respond to it
- you would do what you're doing regardless of whether anyone was there to applaud, appreciate, or pay you to do it
- if you met yourself, you'd give yourself a great big HUG for being so creative :)
As you can see, the difference between creating and competing is quite vast; it's the difference between a positive contribution and a negative contraction; between giving something fresh and new to the world, or taking something from it; something that could have been divine and celebrated.
Yes, of course, here in our nice friendly blog, it's easy to see the difference: it's day and night, white and black. But "in reality" -- particularly in the business world -- it's so easy to lose this clarity, and to start "moving" that line between what we know to be creative, and what we know to be competitive.
When those moments emerge in your life -- and yes, they will happen; that's the nature of life to test us in many ways -- then please consider coming back to this safe, friendly blog and re-reading this post (you may even want to bookmark it). It could be the clarifying wake-up call that you need to ensure that your path is the creative...not the competitve.
Tomorrow, we'll talk about something that many of you are going to find very, very interesting -- we're going to visit our old pal Charles Darwin, and re-create his so called "survival of the fittest" observation. It's something that will affect many of you and help you really understand whta Darwin meant -- and what it means NOW. Check back tomorrow and see for yourself!
Until then...
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
An Attitude of Gratitude!
Today, I'd like us to look more deeply at the concept of gratitude.
Now, you may be wondering (as I'd be wondering if I were you) why we should focus more on something that we already understand. After all, each of us has experience of being grateful; and yes, each of us have experience of not being grateful -- or, indeed, of someone not expressing gratitude towards us and thereby making us feel...well, I guess really bad is the only term I can use. "Humiliated" also fits.
The basic point is: we all "understand" gratitude, and we all have experiences -- many experiences -- to draw upon if we need a little refresher of the creative, nourishing power of gratitude AND the destructive, harmful power of ingratitude.
So...if we're all such gratitude-experts, why do we want to spend more time learning about it here?
The simple answer to that question is: honestly, it's just plain hard to be grateful these days.
Really. Open up a newspaper, turn on the news, or even just browse through the web and you'll almost certainly (I'd say absolutely certainly) bump into 20 "bad news" events before connecting with one that is even mildly positive; that is, something that you could, somehow, be grateful for.
Actually, sometimes it seems that the "bad news to good news" ratio in the world may be higher than 20 to 1. Maybe it's 100 to 1. Maybe 1000 to 1.
Well, I'm not going to go out and study this (and I don't recommend that you do, either!), but I will admit -- as positive, optimistic and solution-focused as I am -- that, yes, it's hard to remember the power of gratitude. Or, to put it another, more practical way: it's easy to forget to feel grateful.
Now, I'm not saying that to make anyone feel guilt (including me :). Feeling grateful is, sometimes, an uphill experience.
It's hard to see past the daily, ordinary (or maybe not so ordinary) problems and challenges of life. It's hard to find the clarity that we wish we could tap into. It's hard to remember and be alert to the things that really matter to us -- the things that keep us integrated, that nourish our spirits and bodies, that enable us to be loving, kind, peaceful people sharing a pretty weird journey (well, it is kind of weird) around a sun for...who knows how long? Decades for some, years for others, months,'s a mystery.
And it's a mystery that thrives and comes alive with gratitude.
My partner Anneli and me have created an ebook to help you bring more gratitude into your life -- regardless of how busy or complex it may be at times, or relaxing and simple it may be at other times. The ebook is aptly called The Book of Gratitude -- just click on the link and you'll instantly receive the ebook. It's also available at Anneli's remarkable self-help website: I'd really suggest that you pay a visit -- and sign-up for your free newsletter while you're there.
See you tomorrow!
Friday, March 7, 2008
Lessons from Nature!
And because we are, thankfully, organic expressions of nature, we can – if we wish – take a step back from all of our bookmarked blogs, all of our DVDs (yes, this includes The Secret :), all of our workshops and seminars and other tools of learning in the Information Age, and simply re-connect with the source of it all: nature.
Indeed, if you can clearly and openly re-integrated with the natural world – and it could simply be a tree near your home or a lush tropical rainforest – you’ll find sources of information that will truly amaze you, and potentially transform you.
Really, it must be pretty hilarious for trees and rocks and mountains and flowers to listen to us human beings talk about “the Information Age” as if it’s something new. Do we really believe that anything in the world – that is, anything in nature – could exist, AT ALL, without being influenced by an incomprehensibly divine source of information? Information is natural; and, oddly, it seems that the only living things on the planet who don’t seem to grasp this eternal and rather ordinary fact, are human beings.
No wonder cats look at us like we’re…well, kind of stupid. We are!
Now, the point of this blog isn’t to remind us that we’re…stupid…but instead to invite you to take some time (how about today? How about right NOW?) and step back from your familiar sources of information: the Internet, your Secret DVD, your CDs, your books…whatever you learn from, and go outside and co-exist with something that has a more pure, more integrated connection with the SOURCE of information. In other words: go hang out for a while with a tree, or a rock, or a stream, or a flower.
And when you do, if you simply open yourself up – just as a flower or blade of grass is open and inviting – you’ll experience something…rather difficult to put into words. But I’ll try to put it in words, anyways (since a blank blog would be a bad idea…or maybe not?). You’ll experience insights, connections, clarity, spaciousness, and stillness that will nourish your information-starved soul. You’ll see elements in your own life, and the lives of those around you, that reveal themselves as patterns: which means that you can change them by changing something that you’re doing, or, more likely, the way that you’re doing it.
I know, I know. It sounds weird and “out there” and, really, who is out there marketing for “tree learning”? I mean, people sell all kinds of things – books, seminars, even Secret DVDs. But who is selling “hanging out with a tree”?
Just because nobody’s selling it to you, doesn’t mean that it’s worthless. In fact, it’s invaluable; and YOU have the potential to tap into that invaluable current of REAL information…not just knowledge and endless streams of thoughts and words. I’m talking clarity, insight and vision. THAT is information. THAT is what “informs” us.
So make an effort – a small effort, really, considering the other things you do in your busy life – and go hang out with something natural. A lake, a shrub, a tree…it doesn’t matter. Anything. Everything. The SKY.
Information does not belong to an “age.”
Information is your very nature…and it’s in nature still. We’ve forgotten.
The rocks, trees, flowers…and yes, the cats, still remember. So can you. So will you!
The "Secret" Fear...
Here’s what I mean: have you noticed how many people seem to outright, categorically, and unhesitatingly REJECT everything about The Secret? It almost seems to border on hate. Why such rejection; why such hate?
I’ve reflected on this for a while, and the only answer that I can come up with (at least for now) is that deep down inside, people who go out of their way to tell you how much they hate or reject The Secret are not operating from the “calm, cool and collected plane” of logic and reason (think “Mr. Spock” from Star Trek) from which they claim to make their “arguments”. Instead, they seem to be coming from a place that is familiar to all of us in some way: fear.
Yup. Plain, ancient, ordinary, destructive fear. And what they fear is even more…interesting (for lack of a better word) than the fact that they’re afraid.
In my view, these people aren’t actually afraid of anything that the teachers on The Secret are saying. Why should they be? Why should anyone be? It’s not as if The Secret is advocating hatred, intolerance, violence, or anything harmful. Why be afraid of a bunch of people popping up on a DVD, politely and respectfully suggesting different ways of living, behaving and being? What’s so scary about that?
Here’s what’s so scary to these people. People who categorically and very defensively reject The Secret – and we’re not talking about people who disagree with it, but people who go out of their way to ensure that you and me disagree with it, too – are afraid of their OWN life and how it relates to what The Secret is saying.
Or, in simpler terms: many people have invested HEAVILY into a particular “life strategy.” They may have believed, for decades, that the problems and obstacles they encounter are 100% external and “out there” – other people, other situations, other blocks.
And now, a bunch of strangers show up on a DVD (of all places!) and politely suggest – just as teachers and mystics have been suggesting for…well, forever – that many of the problems we face aren’t “out there” at all; they’re merely reflections, projections, or extension of what is within us.
To a lot of people, that very POSSIBILITY that this could be true – even partially true, even barely true – is seen as an attack on that “heavy investment.” And so to avoid even the possibility of assessing The Secret; to avoid even speculating on whether there may be something “to” it or not, some people swiftly take an antagonistic position.
Of course, they use the standard tactics that you’d expect from people who, themselves, aren’t fundamentally convinced of what they’re saying, but instead operating from fear of what MAY be inside: mockery, fear-mongering, cynicism, sarcasm, and pretty much anything that can undermine the flight of another person who may be gently spreading vulnerable wings, ready to experience the possibility of living life in a new way.
The fact that others are willing to courageously attempt to fly – who knows where – is a threat to those who have invested heavily in chains that keep people on the ground. The flight of another is proof that flight is possible.
So the next time you see someone (usually in a blog, but sometimes perhaps right in your own home) ranting and raving about “The Secret” and how it’s a bunch of crazy new age nonsense (for lack of a harsher word :), before you respond in-kind, take a moment, step back, and ask yourself: is this person’s opinion coming from understanding…or from fear?
And if it’s coming from fear, remember: that fear probably has nothing to do with The Secret.
The fear is coming from within themselves. The “certainty” of their life – certainly miserable, yes, but still certain – is not-so-certain anymore. Other possibilities are presenting themselves; other options; other paths.
It takes no courage – at all – to crush the wings of one who is ready to try flying.