"Once the subconscious mind accepts an idea, it begins to execute it. The conscious and subconscious are not two minds. They are merely two phases of activity within one mind."
~ Dr. Joseph Murphy
Self-Doubt - Like an Onion
Last week I talked about the importance of reprogramming your subconscious mind in order to successfully work the Law of Attraction. Old, deep-seated beliefs about how life works, and about your own potential, must be replaced with more truthful beliefs, the kind that support success.
There are a number of strategies a person can employ for doing this. All of them entail the conscious mind (the choosing part of us) impressing our desires and attitudes on subconscious mind (the receptive and creative part of us). To do that, the conscious mind must not only sow the seeds of new thoughts into the subconscious; it must also weed out any doubts that spring up based on old, deeply-held beliefs.
One strategy, I mentioned, is to have a little talk with ourselves when negative thoughts pop up about our ability to achieve our dreams. Sometimes this little talk involves really thinking through and resolving the subconscious objection the negative back-talk has brought to our awareness.
There may be layers to the onion: today you may find one doubt spring up, you think it through and get rid of it, then tomorrow a different doubt starts nagging you. This indicates you’ve reached a deeper level of subconscious resistance, and that’s a very good thing.
Patiently work through the new doubt and get in once piece about your desire again. This back-and-forth process of desiring and objecting will continue between the conscious and subconscious until you are in agreement with yourself about what’s possible and what’s good for you. At that point, both levels of your mind will work together to manifest your dream – no inner resistance.
You may also experience another scenario: you’re certain you’ve resolved the doubt, but the old thought pattern springs up again and again as negative mind chatter. In this case, the muttering doesn’t come from deep-seated hidden beliefs but from simple habit. When this occurs, you’ll know it, because you won’t feel an emotional tug, when the backtalk comes, that maybe the doubt is right. The mental chatter will just seem annoying.
When this happens, get conscious of the chatter, and replace it with a positive affirmation that directly corrects the negative thought. Repeat the new thought several times, with conscious focus, and get back to the business of your day. In time you’ll develop the new habit of thinking the positive thought rather than the negative one. But remember, this only works if you’ve first addressed the deep-seated emotional beliefs that caused that negative thought originally. If you don’t tend to that part of the process, it’s like trying to paste something new onto a dirty surface: the new addition just won’t stick.
Also, if you aren’t doing it already, make sure that when you fall asleep at night you drift into dreamland imagining your wishes coming true. This is another way of reprogramming the subconscious with your new intentions. The subconscious is most open and alert at the “twilight” junction between waking and sleeping (when you drift off at night and when you first stir to conscious awareness in the morning).
Use these times to communicate your vision to your powerful deeper mind. It responds to images, so imagine vividly. Pretend you’re experiencing your dream coming true. Any sights, sounds, smells, tactile images or emotions you conjure up will imprint themselves on your subconscious and start the inner machinery moving toward fulfillment of your dream.
It’s impossible in a newsletter to explain all the details of reprogramming the subconscious, but these are basic tools to get you started. To really get some traction, read Joseph Murphy’s book, The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, or check out one of the other products we’re featuring this week – they’re all about working with your subconscious. In the following article, we give you some specifics about this little book, and tell you why we found it so transformative.
Murphy’s Book: Reprogramming Specifics, with Stories
Joseph Murphy was one of the renowned teachers of the “New Thought” movement of the early 20th Century. That movement taught the Law of Attraction in the language of our grandparents and great-grandparents. This read is like listening to a wise old person tell you the most important secrets for living a successful life. It’s packed with true stories of Dr. Murphy’s clients and students. One of the most helpful features is the prayers and long affirmations the book includes, and the more-than-a-dozen strategies for self-reprogramming.
The “Your Right to Be Rich” chapter addresses old subconscious objections we have to our own wealth, helping a person think through these and remove them. Other chapters address topics like how to use your subconscious mind to remove fear, to develop better relationships, and to overcome illness.
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind is available in hardcover and in paperback. If you want to be a more successful creator, and don’t know why your dreams aren’t all manifesting yet, you can’t afford not to buy this book.
Wishing much success and abundance,
Richie. (Global Secrets)
good info. It directly addressed my previous comment on section one about how affirmations tended to backfire on me. Knowing that peeling away the layers of ingrained belief is needed first makes sense. Peel away a belief replace it with one I want- afterall nature abhors a vacuum. I have already been looking at my beliefs as they come up and going through them with the rational comb already and that has helped quite a bit. The other piece I use that helps is acknowledging the emotion tied to it (usually fear). It usually goes something like this: "I know in the past it seemed as if ___ always happens and I know that fear is here trying to protect me but, {fill in the rational thought process here]. So there really is no need to fear because I am no longer on that same wavelength. At this point it usually helps to note all the positives in my life (gratitude).
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The information that you provided was thorough and helpful. I will have to share your article with others.
how the subconscious mind works
The biggest drawback of this book is mere repeatition of ideas but lack of any specific technique to tap the power of subconscious mind. Those who are new to such kind of powers of subconscious mind will be amazed after reading this book, but sole knowledge is not sufficient.
A simple way to harness the power of your subconscious mind is to go on repeating affirmations/autosuggestions in your mind when you go to sleep. I have used this technique and have got marvellous results. And I don't think this book extends any far beyond that regarding practical applications of subconscious mind power.
Conclusively, this book is a beginner's guide to reveal subconscious mind powers but lacking any practical help. If you want to spend money for such knowledge, go for it but don't expect any great help.
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