Don’t be discouraged, because you are not alone. While the principles are simple, the practice of visualization is a skill, and like most skills, it sometimes takes a little study and “tweaking” until you get it.
Neville Goddard (or just “Neville” as he preferred to be called) was a 20th Century teacher of visualization who wrote an outstanding primer on the subject called The Law and the Promise. It’s an excellent place to start your study of effective visualization.
Neville taught that the biggest mistake people make when they visualize is failing to imagine from the perspective of the wish fulfilled. Instead they imagine from the perspective of their longing. For example, if you want a gold necklace, it does no good to imagine it sitting in the store window. You need to imagine wearing it on your neck. Imagining the object as something apart from you, as something you don’t already have, keeps the object forever in your future!
When you imagine your wish, do so as if it already has come true in your life. Close your eyes and let yourself feel all the joy and sensations you expect to feel when your dream actually manifests. Imagining in this way, says Neville, builds a bridge between ourselves and the object of desire. You could call it a wormhole in time, a channel through which the object can travel to reach us.
Until your desire manifests, imagine on it daily from a dreamy, drowsy state. The most effective times to visualize are when drifting off to sleep or in the twilight state as you are waking up. That’s because the Subconscious is most alert when the conscious mind is least active. Visualizing is dropping a wish into the Subconscious, which then goes to work to make the wish come true in the world.
Don’t put deadlines on your dream, or decide the means and schemes through which it will manifest. Leave the universe free to work out those details. Fall asleep happily on your wish every night, and in time it will manifest in your life.
Sometimes deep-held attitudes (such as low self-esteem, the belief that money is evil, or the belief that a certain illness can’t be cured) can temporarily block our ability to manifest a desire. If you’re visualizing something when you go to sleep at night, feeling excited about your dream, then find yourself during the day thinking, “What am I doing? This can never happen,” you’re victim of a subconscious blocking attitude.
When that doubting thought arises, slip away to somewhere quiet and ask your subconscious mind to tell you precisely why it feels that way. If you listen, it will reveal to you (then or as the day progresses) the long-held, subconscious belief that holds your current attitude of lack in place. Listen to the objection, consider its merit, then explain to your Subconscious why this old belief is not true (or is no longer true). Then re-state your wish as an affirmation, repeating it three times with focus (aloud is best). After that, resume your daily routine.
If doubtful mind-chatter starts up again, get quiet once more and ask why. Another layer of the onion of doubt will surface. Patiently consider the objection, and explain to yourself why it no longer holds, just as you did before. Keep doing this until all the objections are cleared and you can be in one piece about your goal. This will dissolve any personal blocks in the path of your desire coming true. When your conscious and subconscious minds align in the belief that a wish is good and attainable, no doubtful mind-chatter is left to stop the wheels of creation from delivering your dream to your door.
The universe is a magical place, and mind is the magician. Learn to visualize skillfully, and nothing will stop you from actualizing any golden imagined thing you intend to make real.
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