Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Sequel to The Secret, not far away

Update for The Secret Sequel

Update 3rd November, 2008: For the latest update on The Official Secret Sequel ‘The Secret Daily Teachings’ go to www.the-secret-dvd.net or the most recent blog post Newsflash: Official Secret Sequel ‘The Secret Daily Teachings’ release due December.

The Sequel to The Secret, not far away.

We are receiving more and more emails asking us about the long awaited Sequel to The Secret, and as a fan myself of The Secret, I am dying to see what their next release will be about.

My hope is that they talk more about taking action, which was only touched on briefly in the original movie.

The producers have been especially secretive about The Secret Sequel.

As retailers of the The Secret, we have developed a number of contacts through distributors as well as some of the teachers, and others who have been involved in the movie. No one has heard anything concrete, not even the biggest distributors as far as we have heard. Hmmm, this time it really is a Secret, and perhaps will remain so until the day it goes on the shelves.

But we are starting to hear some rumors that it is not far away.

According to one of the distributors,

"the sequel will probably not be coming out in January. We have not been told exactly when yet, except that it will be in the first half of the year."
She thinks there will be no teachers in it but also mentioned that the soundtrack appears to be finished.

So to all you keen Secret fans out there who have been emailing and asking about the sequel, stay tuned, it’s not far away.

Make sure you are on our mailing list so that you are the first to get the low down on the new release.
To subscribe to our mailing list go to Law of Attraction Newsletter
or fill in the form to the right of this text.

Update 3rd November, 2008: For the latest update on The Official Secret Sequel ‘The Secret Daily Teachings’ go to www.the-secret-dvd.net or the most recent blog post Newsflash: Official Secret Sequel ‘The Secret Daily Teachings’ release due December.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

A wonderful Self Help ebook - Gratis

A wonderful Self Help ebook – Gratis.

Now and then we have in our hands some great Personal Development e-books and tools to give away to our readers.

Here is an old classics that I can give, free, to any one who visits this page.

This book has been used as the foundation for many hundreds of self help/personal development programs, books, seminars etc etc etc.

Despite the old fashioned writing, it is still very relevant today.

Please enjoy,

(You are welcome to send it to your friends!)


Global Secrets International



The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D Wattles

Rhonda Byrne used this book as her inspiration for The Secret

When you read The Science of Getting Rich, written almost a century ago, you will soon realize that the producers of The Secret used this book as their inspiration for the film.

Bob Proctors program The Science of Getting Rich Seminar is based entirely on the Wallace Wattles book as well.

Although the old-fashioned language and expressions are sometimes a little difficult to understand, it is well worth the read. Certainly you can surely ignore the use of the masculine gender. Mr. Wattles himself makes it clear that the book applies equally to men and women alike. Also too, may we suggest that you take from the mentions of God, and the Christian examples cited, the essence of their meaning. Apply these learnings by thinking of your higher power, whether it be God, Jehovah, Buddha, Supreme Being, the Universe, the Great Spirit or whatever you feel comfortable with.

Normally we include ‘The Science of Getting Rich’ ebook with every purchase from our website but for my blog readers, I would like to offer this for free.

Click here for your copy of The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D Wattles

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Successful Goal Planning

My partner Anneli and I have really got into our goal planning in the last few months.

Three nights a week, after putting the little munchkin (our daughter) to bed, we get a pen and an exercise book out, sit down and really getting into the nitty gritty details of each and every goal that we have set for 2008 and beyond.

We have gone well beyond just writing up each overall goal and looking at it every day.

Now we have broken each goal down into mini goals; each one being a step towards how we are actually going to achieve this overall goal, and then making an action plan, setting a timetable, and finally, making the step that many people fall short of............doing it, making it happen.

And what a phenomenal feeling it is to see the goal coming closer to you, when you achieve each step and start seeing results.

Here is a recent article that I have written which describes in more detail how to set and achieve goals.

I would love to hear your comments.

Successful Goal Planning

You hear a lot about Goals and Planning these days – but is it just a waste of time, or does it really work? Won’t just making a quick list of things to do be just as effective, and much quicker? Please consider these ideas.

There are several steps we can take to increase success, whether personal or business, individual or group. One of the major components of successful outcomes is goal planning. High achievers in business and in life know that goal planning is a cornerstone to success. Learning how to plan goals, and then implementing your plan equals goal-planning success. And goal-planning success leads to overall success.

What are goals?

The best way to define the word “goal” is to say that a goal is a marked point in a process that indicates progress. Think of goals as the path markers on a trail. Every time you pass one, you know you’ve made further progress towards reaching a predetermined end or the final goal.

Why should I set goals?

You should set goals because of what they are – a way to see if you are progressing towards an objective or final result. So goal planning leads to success by creating a sort of map for you to follow.

How do I choose the right goals for goal planning success?

Well, that depends on the outcome you are hoping to achieve, but here are some guidelines:

First, determine exactly what it is that you want to achieve. Is it a fit body? A successful business? A happy family?

Next, define what that means. What exactly do you consider to be a fit body, a successful business or a happy family? Your definition will not be the same as your neighbor’s. Please don’t let anyone else define that for you.

Third, map it out. Ask yourself, “What are the ingredients that I need to fulfill this outcome”? And “In what steps should the ingredients be added”? If your final goal is a fit body, the ingredients will be different types of exercise, healthy foods and drinks, maybe even spa treatments and massage. In what way do you need to put these together to equal a fit body? This is where you can see your goals start to take shape.

  • Goal one might be to check out the gyms in your area and join one.
  • Goal two would be to actually go to the gym a certain number of times per week to workout.
  • Goal three might be to hire a dietician to help you with your food choices.
  • Goal four would be to take that dietician’s advice to heart and begin to follow an eating plan.
  • Goal five might be to do research on body treatments that help the look of your body or help detoxify your body.

As you follow these goals you will start to notice changes in your body that are leading to your final outcome of fitness. Now, this example is a bit watered down, but you get the idea.

When you begin to understand how to use goals, you will experience goal-planning success in every part of your life. Your life will become much easier and you will experience fewer disappointments as a result. If you have work projects to finish and you are feeling overwhelmed, it will help to use goal planning as a tool for better organization and more success. If you need to accomplish certain tasks each day, goal planning will help with that. If you have personal goals such as finding a wonderful partner or returning to college to finish your degree, you can use goal planning for those things too.

Goal planning success means a more happy and successful life. If you are unsure, use goal planning for a small project and see how well it works for you. Then begin to use it to accomplish larger successes. Before you know it goal planning will become second nature and you’ll enjoy a more successful life.

My verdict – stop wasting time just wasting time! Set a Goal and plan the steps to fulfillment, and get to work on achieving those steps.

For more great information and tools to use about setting goals, try this website: Goal setting

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

A ‘Secret’ message to a friend.

After a wonderful break over the Christmas, New Year period I am back on board and ready to start the new wonderful year ahead.

What better way than to start with a new video that we have just made.

Inspired by The Secret movie, my partner Anneli has designed some beautiful e-cards that you can use to send a message to your friends. Pass on your love, friendship, happiness or say thank you to a friend or loved one. Show them that you are inspired or motivated by them, or let them know that they really can achieve their dreams by following their heart.

These e-cards are free to use, please enjoy them.

Check out the video below and then go to Free Secret e-cards.

Make someone smile today.

Here's to an awesome 2008.


A ‘Secret’ message to a friend.