“I have a dream”…”Well, pin it up on the wall then!”
Turn My Dream into Reality Vision Poster & Guidebook.
Free for you to download and use.
You may have read one of my previous posts about setting goals.
Here is a terrific ‘goal focus’ tool that I have used effectively, which has helped me to stay centered and focused on what I really want to achieve.
The Law of Attraction states that what you focus on, you will get, but you must have a very clear picture in your mind of what exactly you want.
Having a beautiful poster on the wall in front of you every day with your goal and how to achieve it is a great way to help you focus on your goals.
I have done 3 vision posters, one each for my 3 biggest goals which I have pinned to my bedroom wall. I look at them every morning when I wake up, and every night just before going to bed.
The Vision Poster has been designed by my partner Anneli, who is also the webmaster/graphic designer for our website www.the-secret-dvd.net
It is a high-resolution poster that you can print out in any size up to A2, and pin up in a prominent place in your bedroom, office, on the back of the toilet door – anywhere really.
The Poster also comes with a guidebook to help you with setting up your own vision poster.
It is free to use and send to your friends.
Click here for Vision Poster
Click here for Vision Guidebook
I will be posting a number of other free tools over the coming months so please stay tuned.
Each self help tool that I post will of course will not be enough by itself to change your entire future, but it will be one more piece in an overall system of powerful tools and strategies that will help you improve your life and work towards your dreams.
1 comment:
Like a young chuck norris...
Check out my blog if you get a chance: eight-thirty.blogspot.com.
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