Hi all,
I am off to Fiji to pursue my own form of meditation - surfing (and relaxing) with my partner and daughter.
There will be no blog posts until 12th November.
Until then, stay happy and positive.
Find your path to personal growth. Law of Attraction - Goal Setting - Inspiration - Success - The Secret - Life and Happiness.
You need to have a vision of what you want in your mind so that you can work towards it. You need to make your goal detailed, and you need to hold that vision persistently in your head.
But what if we don’t even know what our goals are, let alone describe them in detail?
Every day, I write down 3 gratitude points, and write about “My Perfect Life”.
Here is an excerpt from May earlier this year.
My Perfect Life.
Lifestyle, The Freedom I have, The time I have
This is what I have dreamt about for a long time but always thought not possible in the past.
Time for me has been one of the biggest issues in my life, especially in the last 5 years. In the past I never seem to have had enough time. Tasks were not being done, I felt like I was going nowhere.
What a turnaround. At last I only have to work (realistically) 2 days a week at the most, and they usually finish well before 5pm and often don’t start until well after 9pm. In fact, I don’t really have to work at all for money if I didn’t really want to, and that is probably what I will do in the near future. Maybe just a bit of share trading or looking for another investment property.
But this wonderful new amount of extra time that has been freed up because of the freedom of not having to work has given me so much freedom to be able to start doing the things that I really wanted to do. Being involved in the local tree planting group, spending a lot of the time in the veggie garden. You should see the veggies!! Virtually all of the fresh produce that we eat, including fruit, veggies, nuts, coffee, honey, eggs, meat, even the flowers that we put in a vase on the table, comes from our property. Only occasionally do we swap produce with other neighbours or the guy from the local organic shop for stuff that is out of season, or can’t be grown in our area such as mangoes. All of this wonderful extra time that has been freed up from working in the past has given me the time to develop this amazing, rich, bountiful, vibrant garden.
Sounds good doesn’t it? This is exactly the picture that I have held in my mind since May and it has been a very easy vision to maintain.
But before I discovered this method of holding my vision, I was struggling.
When I first learnt about visualising to achieve goals, I would set myself down in a quiet spot every morning, my biggest goals written down neatly in front of me and go through them one by one in my head, seeing myself already in possession of these goals.
And the truth that I was losing concentration made it even harder because I was also losing my passion and enthusiasm for my goals.
I needed another way to stay on track.
And then my partner came up with a fantastic idea, and we created “My Perfect Life”.
It’s a bit like me being the author of my own book of life – My…Perfect Life.
It has helped me to stay so focused and excited about my goals and for me it is a really wonderful way to help me visualise.
It can also be of great help for those who aren’t’ really sure what their goals should be in the first place.
Here’s how to create your “Perfect Life”.
You can type your daily entries in a word doc but you could also use a nice exercise book.
I usually put on some good music to get me in the mood. (Music is one of my passions that really inspires me and gets me into a visualising mood).
The first thing to do is to get into an “attitude of gratitude”. Simply write down 3 things that you are grateful for on the day.
They could be as simple as “I just love my beautiful daughter, she is so cute”, or “Gee I’m glad my football team won this weekend, what a team!”, or even about the weather or the simple fact that you have a roof over your head.
The next task is to focus on the goals that you have set for yourself. If you don’t have any goals, just work out some broad topics.
My topics are:
It’s easiest to choose one topic per night, rather than tackling all of them at once, and just ‘go for it’.
Put yourself totally into the place that you are writing about, see yourself there, enjoying whatever you have in your mind. Describe the colours, the smells, your feelings, describe everything in detail. Make it in the present tense – be in that place, now. Be really descriptive.
Don’t hold back either, this is your “Dream Life”, you can write about whatever it is you desire, there should not be any limitations.
One of the reasons I think that this method of goal setting and visualising works so well is that the act of writing it down seems to make it much more concrete. It becomes a physical description of what you want, rather than just a fleeting thought through your mind. You can read back over it too which is a fun thing to do, and again, this brings you to the place that you really want to be when you read it again.
You’ll find that after a while you start to get into the real ‘nitty gritty’. Once you’ve been doing this for a month or so you will have gone through all the topics several times so you start to describe things in real details.
It really is a wonderful exercise and after a while you will start to see things really clearly.
After all, you have been writing about “Your Dream Life”, so plainly, these are what your goals should be.
Coming up next – What I have achieved using this method.
More on The Secret # 2.
New update: November 16th, 2007
Well, the November release date hasn’t happened, and we still haven’t heard any more news about what the next Secret movie will be about.
We will be one of the first to find out when the news is finally released so if you would like to stay updated, make sure you subscribe to my RSS feed.
"Happiness is an attitude. We either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong. The amount of work is the same."
Francesca Reigler
If you’re reading my blog you probably know a bit about the Law of Attraction, or are at least interested in learning more about it.
Basically the Law of Attraction states that we attract what we think about most.
You might have seen the scene on The Secret where the guy keeps going to his letter box expecting there to be bills, and guess what, he gets bills, over and over again.
So how do we make those negative thoughts become positive ones and achieve the rewards that we should be receiving?
How do we stop those pesky little (and sometimes not so little) negative thoughts from coming into our heads, or if they do happen to force their way in, how do we eradicate them and replace them with positive, good vibes? (dude)
Since late 2006 I had some major issues with money and the environment. You could call me a tight-arse (stingy) and I wouldn’t argue with you (now days anyway). Saving here and skimping there, I used to buy a new pair of shoes perhaps once every 3 years when the old ones used to be just about falling apart. I used to worry incessantly about where or when I was going to make enough money to live on past the next week. In reality, I look back at that time and we were in much better shape than I ever gave credit for. We owned an investment property in
I also worried incessantly about the environment and how the future looked bleak for my daughter with global warming and record low rainfall in our area etc. But there wasn’t much I could do about this because I was working far too hard to make the next dollar for next weeks living expenses and was too much of a tight-arse to buy green energy.
So I worried!
As clichéd as some might think it sounds, it was when I watched The Secret that my attitude changed dramatically.
Probably the first thing that I did which made a huge difference was to set some real goals – the “ask” bit in The Secret.
These were positive goals that were achievable to me, although I did bump them up a bit in order to make them a bit more challenging. Funnily enough I reached the initial goals that I set before the bump up, I suppose this was concreted into my subconscious mind (by me of course) as I was setting my goals. And because I had implanted the idea in my head that this is what I could definitely achieve – low and behold, this is what I achieved.
Not only did setting these really wonderful goals help me to focus on what I wanted, it also kept me in a positive frame of mind…….most of the time.
Yes there were those moments when good old Mr negative tried to squirm his way back into my brain and pick a fight with the new boys on the block positive thoughts.
It was my partner who helped me with how to push the negative thoughts away.
The idea was to keep a tab on when those negative thoughts tried to come in, and immediately replace them with thoughts of my goals. My goals are obviously a lovely picture in my head so it made my happy and positive again. Pretty soon this became a habit for me and the negative thoughts became less and less as the days went on. This also showed up dramatically in the results I was getting, as well as how I was living my life right now. I was actually enjoying life and appreciating the things that I had – good food, a wonderful family, a house, a car, the freedom to go on surf trips.
Now, after years of unnecessary worry about money, things have changed for the better. The type of work that I do has not changed much at all, but now I see all the possibilities ahead of me, rather than losing sleep over whether we will have enough for next weeks rent. And guess what, with my new attitude, I can now do much more meaningful things towards helping the environment such as taking time to plant some trees or donating money to the right charity, and we now have 100% green energy.
The last thing that I would like to mention about changing a negative thought to a positive is about staying inspired. As you may have guessed, surfing is a passion of mind, I’ve probably only mentioned it a half dozen times here but this is what keeps me inspired. And of course, surfing was firmly embedded amongst several of the goals that I set after seeing The Secret, i.e. to do more of it.
This is what floats my boat (pardon the pun), but inspiration obviously comes in many different forms to each individual.
It can particularly help if you have had a succession of downs, a whole day of negative thoughts and you’re struggling to get your head back into a positive space.
Stop everything and go to your passion, your inspiration. You’re only going to attract more of the negative if you continue on that path, so it is not worth continuing.
For me it might be playing with my beautiful daughter, going to the beach, putting on a great surf video or some great music that I listened over and over on some of my surf trips with my surf buddies.
Turning to your inspiration is a wonderful way to help turn your whole attitude around and give you a fresh start to being positive again.
Here is a great video in another that I have watched over and over again to inspire me - Inspiration!
Feel free to leave your ideas of how you stay positive.
Inspiration can come in many forms, from your hero, your favourite music, children, poetry or films for example.
Here is one of my favourite inspirational videos. Many of you may have already seen it, it has been viewed millions of times, but I never tire of seeing it again.
This video is a true story of Juan Mann, who’s mission was to reach out and hug a stranger to brighten up their lives.
Even though there were attempts to ban his campaign, he rallied the public to join him, and in the true spirit of humanity, he achieved his inspiring goal.
Yes, you guessed it - Free Hugs.
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