Thursday, August 28, 2008
Welcome the New

Monday, August 25, 2008
Don't Chase Success
After all, we're guided by the "advice" that we must strive and put effort to achieve things. So how can we not chase success? Isn't that basically telling us to become passive vegetables?
No -- because you should still strive to do things, and put effort, and indeed, pay attention to whatever task you have in front of you; whether it's running a company or making a cup of tea. The lesson here, however, is that you shouldn't reduce what you're doing to a means of achieving success; you shouldn't neglect your current task because it's simply a part of something called success.
When you chase success, you stop paying attention to the HOW, and you become obsessively focused on the WHAT. As such, you simply lose the power of the present moment; or what Eckhart Tolle calls, The Power of Now.
NOW is where your power is. NOW is where you have to pay attention.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Capture Your Life

Really. Take a piece of paper, and throughout the day, track both what you're doing and just as importantly: how you're feeling.
You don't have to take detailed notes; this is a friendly little experience, after all, and you no doubt have other things to do! Just jot down little notes.
After a few days -- and not before! -- reflect back on your notes and see if you notice some very interesting patterns. Chances are, much to your surprise -- and possibly delight or even possibly your shock -- you may find that you have so much more control over your life than you may currently realize. Little things like when you sleep, what you eat, who you interact with, even what you watch on TV or listen to on the radio can profoundly influence how you experience life.
Remember, self-help is always about the ordinary -- don't try and make big, huge changes. Make small, simple ones -- one at a time, and then see how they work together to transform your life for the better!
Monday, August 18, 2008
The Secret Sequel Book to be Released First
The Sequel to The Secret - When will it be released?
Special Update 3rd November, 2008:
For the latest update on The Official Secret Sequel ‘The Secret Daily Teachings’ go to www.the-secret-dvd.net or the most recent blog post Newsflash: Official Secret Sequel ‘The Secret Daily Teachings’ release due December.
Updated August 2008
Questions are still being asked to me about The Sequel to The Secret?
At this stage they are still very small whispers, but we do know for sure that Rhonda Bryne and team are definitely working on a book to follow on from The Secret Book, and THEN a Sequel to The Secret DVD too. The DVD will be based on the new book we are told.
Planet Earth Forever
The most recent release from The Secret is a wonderful inspirational clip called Planet Earth Forever.Who knows, maybe this is what the sequel to The Secret will be about.
Do take a look at this lovely film clip, just sit back and enjoy the music and our beautiful Planet Earth for three minutes. It’s good for your soul.
The Joy of...Joy!
Joy is an experience that takes us out of time. When we're truly in the midst of joy, time simply disappears; it's as if there is no time at all, yet somehow, we continue to experience our selves.
And there's another thing to note, too. When we're enveloped by joy, our thinking stops, but our consciousness remains utterly alert. We, for perhaps the only times in our lives, experience what life could be like if we could simply stop thinking and re-connect with our being.
Meditation is the journey to the center of joy. That is really the only purpose of meditation; to guide us back to our selves. Little children do not need to meditate; they are already meditative. It's only us adults, with layers and layers of personality, ego and other artificial things, need to find the way back home.
Happy travels :)
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
’Go for Your Goals - for Kids’ - Prize Draw ends Midnight Friday
teaches goal settingand the Law of Attraction and
you won't find other books for kids about this either.
Already parents are sending us their comments.
Here are some examples:
"I gave the ebook to my 11 year old son, as I thought
if he liked it then it must be good, and he was really impressed. He really
enjoyed it, found the process really engaging. I will sit down with him on
the weekend."
"BRAVO for your brilliant work. The 3 books will definitely
transform thousands and thousands of lives. I am a grandma who
practices the power of the mind and your idea of teaching the young
ones about the law of attraction is wonderful. May I have your
permission to forward your email about these books to my friends
who I think can use it for their kids and grand kids?"
"I find everything in the books perfect. Graphic design is nice,
text message is clear, color is delicious. Most important is the
positive approach it takes, and that it speaks to the right age
level. I am finding out a lot myself. How I wish I can go to kinder
classes and introduce your books to parents and teachers on one of
the teacher/parents meetings!"
"I've taken a look myself, and wanted to congratulate you on what
you've created. I really liked it. You know, I actually enjoyed
reading the book that was really "for younger kids only" Nice
illustrations too. These are important skills for my kids."
If you haven't yet taken a look at what they are all talking about,
check here to read some pages for yourself
Find the Special Starter Package -
Prize Draw ends midnight Friday 15 August
You can change the future of your children today - all you need to
do is give them this book today
Click here now before the SPECIAL introductory price changes
Richie (Global Secrets)
Monday, August 11, 2008
Are You Asleep?
However, often, habits and routines can become more than just "helpful tools" that guide us; they can actually put us to sleep. They can serve to numb us from reality itself, from our very lives and our hearts. They can make us think or believe that we're aware and "doing stuff," when truly, we're on auto-pilot, following a routine or habit that has outlived its use.
In your life, look at all of your habits and patterns, and see which ones are enabling reality and which ones are preventing reality.
And guess which ones you want to drop?
Thursday, August 7, 2008
How is Your Body Consciousness?
What is your relationship to your body? Do you neglect it? Are you treating it like the friend that it is? Remember, without your body...there is no you (at least not in this human form). Are you treating your body like your very best friend?
Even if your body "falls ill" -- and these things happen and will happen to most of us if we live long enough -- don't start to take an oppositional position to your body. Don't start viewing it as something you hate, or something that is against you.
Your body is your friend. Make friends with your body!
Monday, August 4, 2008
What You Reject, you Project
Here's the basic thing: what you reject in yourself, you project onto other people.
You see, you are "designed" to be a whole person. You aren't designed to repress or reject any of your being. Why would the universe design something that was supposed to reject itself?
When you reject something in yourself, it has to go somewhere. Life is a totality -- and if you neglect something in you, it becomes a gap in your vision; you start searching for it.
Hence, if you reject your own ignorance, you'll find it in most other people. If you reject your own selfishness, you'll find it in others. Sames goes for fear, anger, jealousy, lust...anything else.
Whatever you refuse to see in yourself you'll almost immediately find in others.
So the lesson is simply this: pay attention to what you're projecting, and from that, start to see what you're rejecting.
Fix the missing gap inside you, and you'll instantly fix the "world" -- without having to change a thing!